Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Blog

I'm going to be shutting this blog down and switching to my new one that's called


I still want to follow all of your blogs so I guess I'll have to request an ok all over again! But save my new blog!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Another One? Sure?

I'd have to say boys are my favorite! I can't wait to have another one of these smooching me on the cheek :)


I have been trying to eat well for the baby (well I usually try to eat fairly well)but sometimes I just break down and want ice cream, ice cream, ice cream! This sweet treat is so yummy though and is at least a tad bit better for me and the belly!

This bowl of goodness is low fat strawberry yogurt, a whole banana and a crumbled reeses cup. All blended together it's wonderful. I wish I had some fresh strawberries to add to the bowl, but this will definitely do for now!

Too Funny

Thank you Nintendo 3DS Camera Special Effects for providing us with many laughs with the face merger option. We make attractive people when blended together!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A New Year!

We've been busy with the holidays and life is finally slowing down a little.

My mom came into town the week before Christmas and hung out with us! Niko LOVED having her here and missed her so much when she left.

Johnny graduated from Idaho State with his Bachelors in Business and we're so excited. Now he's doing the job search thing. And we wait. And wait. And wait.

We found out we're having a BOY! Wow was my "mother's intuition" wrong! I was so surprised to see the ultrasound point out it was a boy, but that made the day really exciting! We wanted to let our mothers find out the gender in a creative way, so we went out to lunch that day and the waitress randomly brought out bright blue ice pops to us while we were waiting for our meal (prearranged of course). My mom and Johnny's mom were so confused at first, just smiling at the waitress, and then it clicked for them "Oh they're having a boy!!". Very memorable moment!

Christmas was wonderful too. Niko was excited waking up to gifts under the tree. However, he did not want to leave treats for Santa the night before, he started crying because he didn't get treats but Santa did :). We ended up giving the chocolates to Niko instead. He is constantly playing with all the gifts he got for Christmas, which is both a good thing and a bad one!

New Years was great and low key. We spent it with the Greens and played lots of fun games!

And now it's 2012 with a trip to Hawaii and a baby coming in the next few months we have quite a bit to look forward to, and hopefully a ton more coming our way!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Our Crazy Boy!

We might not have won the best parents award tonight, because this stunt could've been dangerous, but Niko was having so much fun we could not resist! Niko stood on Johnny's shoulders while he was sitting on the couch and just jumped off! He thought it was the funniest thing ever and loved landing on the comforter and pillows! We got video footage of it, but these pictures will have to do for now.

Christmas Catch Up Time!

We've been busy, but having fun! Here's a little bit of what we've been up to!

Niko got to see Santa and he was not very thrilled about it.

We also went on a sleigh/carriage ride and Niko loved it, even though it was a pretty short ride. He was so patient waiting in line for his turn!

We have been without snow for awhile (the last time it snowed it melted pretty fast)but Niko was ecstatic when it snowed yesterday so of course we had to play outside forever!

Johnny graduated! He's done, woohoo! Still looking for a job, but relieved we're done with school!

Last, I finished another semester working at the preschool. We'll see if Megan needs me next semester, but I loved working with these crazy boys!