Sunday, January 30, 2011

Killer Smile

I don't know when he will learn to smile normal. This is how he always smiles now! I will take the blame for this one. I smile like this quite a bit, not on purpose, it just happens. It'd be nice if I could get just one picture of him with a simple smile, I mean can you imagine if his school pictures all look like this? Oh well, for now it is absolutely adorable and makes me smile.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Our Little All Star

Niko got a mini basketball hoop for Christmas and has been working very hard trying to shoot some baskets. Today it clicked and he was able to make tons of shots! He was so excited!

Vincent Van Gogh

Every child does it at some point in their life and yesterday was Niko's day. While I was washing the dishes Niko was very busy. I went to look for Niko and found him drawing on the wall of the bedroom with a blue marker. I loudly said "oh-no!" and went to the kitchen to grab a sponge. Niko knew he was in trouble because I heard a door close behind me and Niko had hid himself in the bedroom. Luckily it came off easily and it was all just a funny experience. Here's Niko helping me clean up part of his mural.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

10 things

10 things I love about this semester:

1. I have Tuesdays and Thursdays off, which is so nice!
2. The homework load is much less than last year.
3. There's more reading to do this semester, but it's all really interesting.
4. I get to spend more time with my lil' man and I love it!
5. I have more time to cook better meals for the family.
6. I only have 12 credits instead of 18!
7. It seems to be warmer this year than last.
8. I have enough free time to exercise and go to Zumba class 2x a week.
9. I get enough sleep!
10 It makes me one step closer to graduation in the Summer!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Momma!

Today is my wonderful mom's _____birthday! I'm sure she doesn't want me to post what the year is, but if I were her I'd want to because she looks great for her age!

My mom is the librarian at Oak Chan Elementary School Library. So many times the disctrict has taken away her job, but the PTO and parents of the children at her school have always fought to keep her at the about her being loved!

She is always staying busy and loves to cook. She loves being a Grandma and Niko had so much hanging out with her during our Christmas visit. I love her so much and all she has done for me!

Happy Birthday!

Wheel of Fortune!

Wheel of Fortune is having a contest to be Vanna for a Day. I was so excited that I had to enter. Check for my profile on their website:

Go to view entries and I am the only "Erinne D" (you can look them up by first names). Don't worry I'm not expecting to make the cut for the 5 finalists but I could not pass up the fun opportunity to at least make a submission!

Monday, January 3, 2011

With all the Craziness!

With all the craziness that's been going with the holidays, our car accident, and major cleaning in our apartment I feel like I need to post a little something at least!
1. Christmas break was so relaxing and nice in California. We spent tons of time with family and friends. More pictures on facebook if you want to check them out!

2. On our way back to Rexburg we slid on some ice and got into an accident near Sparks Nevada. We are currently in a rental car while the auto shop in Reno waits for parts needed for our car :( We are all safe though!

3. We decided to make some changes to our apartment and now it looks so nice and much more home-y!


4. Classes start on Wednesday, can't wait to start another semester!