Sunday, June 19, 2011

For "the dads"

Happy Father’s Day Dad!
I am so lucky to have my dad! I had so much fun with him growing up. He loved buying me pretty dresses and always liked my long dark hair. One of my favorite memories growing up was going on Sunday walks looking at all the pet stores. He knew I always wanted a dog so he’d take me to look at all the puppies. Looking back I remember throwing fits when he’d try and braid my hair when my mom was in the hospital or I’d complain about him burning our steaks. But he really did try hard! Since my dad lives in Japan it’s really hard to get to see him as much as I would like to, but I hope he knows how much I love him and how much I wish I could see him!!

Johnny is the best dad for Niko! Sometimes at night we like to talk about all the amazing things Niko can do and you can tell how proud of him he is. Johnny plays with Niko so much and they are definitely best buds. Johnny is always so focused on teaching Niko, whether it’s how to use the Wii or helping Niko with his alphabet. I love to see the relationship they have together!
Happy Father’s Day Johnny!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Niko's Blog

Did you know Niko has a blog? While it doesn't get updated too often, it does have some fun little things about him every once in awhile! Go check him out if you didn't already know at

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I'm doing it!

Wal Mart is having a fabric sale, and I bought some cute flannel fabric. I am going to start learning how to sew! Bam!