Monday, August 29, 2011

One bigger, One smaller

Aren't they a cute pair?! They might be far apart in age (25 & 2)but they know how to have fun together! So much fun to get to hang out with my brothers!

The Newlyweds!

One of my best friends Ms. Leah Satterfield got married! I was so lucky to get to be a part of it all!

Um, did I mention that she looked stunning?!?!

Seeing your friend get married is so exciting! Being asked to be a part of something so great makes me feel so special. Leah is like family to me, we go way back!

Congratulations Leah, you two are perfect together!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Wedding Weekend!

Leah Satterfield & Jesse Green are married! More pictures to come~

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Because Making it Public Makes it Happen!

I am making it public that I need to get in better shape! I have been such a junkie this summer and need to stop making excuses and get my little booty moving and grooving and in shape! I might not be HUGE, but I have put on a lot of weight in the last year and I have no excuse. It's not baby weight (I lost all of that)but it's "Erinne Being Lazy" weight. I need to get back to the healthy lifestyle I definitely had before and it starts tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I love Summer! Don't You?

Look at these kids having a great summer afternoon! Before this picture was taken I MIGHT have been jumping on the trampoline with a 10 year old and a 6 year old, and it MIGHT have been super fun.....especially since we put the sprinklers underneath the tramp.

How to be Happy....

How to be Happy:

Pop one of these little fellows out of your belly and BAM! Instant's that easy. Almost as easy as making instant oatmeal.