Saturday, June 26, 2010

So Rexburg's not too bad....

These past few weeks have been great here with wonderful weather! We have been having so much time hanging out outside in the sun! Niko is getting himself a little tan, and I'm finally turning brown again! Niko's been hanging out in his wading pool, which he loves and just loves the sun! Our family has been going on plenty of walks, bike rides, and going on trips to the park. I was able to go on my first stroller walk with another "mommy" that I met in one of my classes last semester, and Rexburg kept things interesting by turning a beautiful sunny day into a pouring down shower! We had to pull over on our walk and wait for the rain to at least turn into a drizzle. I felt so sorry for Erica's little 1 month old, but he didn't even wake up, thanks to his amazing stroller! Our family also discovered that Smith park (which is easily less than a 10 min walk) has concerts on Thursday nights. We went this thursday and heard a few fun groups. It was hard to keep Niko from crawling over to other people's blankets though and we had a swarm of little kids coming over to us to check out Gizmo. Then, Friday we went to the block party and had ourselves some good bbq hamburgers! Oh, and Friday night entertainment consisted of a huge thunder and lightning number! The whole sky was lit up like a big light show. Who needs fireworks? Rexburg has definitely been proving to me that it's not too bad. While the winter and spring could definitely use some improvements, summer has been so nice! Plus, Rexburg will be starting contruction on a fun outdoor pool/play park in 2 weeks, so next summer we should have a pool to enjoy as well!

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