Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cutest Boy Alive?!

So Niko is a whopping 16 months old now! Almost a year and a half, where has time gone?!?! Well he has been keeping me smiling and very busy these days with his new found skills and his developing personality!
Here's what's new!

-He loves loves loves string cheese. It is the first thing he has every morning. He walks to the fridge, opens it up and whines for his cheese.

-He almost sings his ABC's. He carries the tune, and you can pick out the "H I J" and "Q R S" part of the song! What a smartie.

-His 2 new words are "oww" and "uh oh", and sometimes the occassional angry sounding "NO!". He likes to bang things and say "oww" over and over again.

-He has definitely moved on from walking and is trying the running thing out. He falls all the time says a simple "ow" and gets up and tries again.

-Niko has gotten better on the piano keyboard. He knows which buttons make the beats and fusses if the keyboard mysteriously gets unplugged.

-He has become a cuddler, every morning for playhouse disney cartoons.

-He understands my "look" and will generally obey it.

-He is obsessed with the act of me folding blankets. Every morning when I fold blankets he gets excited and throws himself onto them.

-He has been looking through his books more and looking at the pictures. He has also been playing with his big lego blocks more and can actually build small things out of them!

He has become the best little boy possible! I just love the little guy more and more everyday. Niko makes me laugh and smile so much. It may seem like every post is about him, but come on, I am a mom and love that guy so stinkin' much!

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