Monday, December 27, 2010

No one beats Isabel in the Cuteness Department!

Isabel is everyone's favorite little girl on the Patubo side! She is now in Kindergarten and decided to share a pop song during Christmas Dinner!

Pink, Pink, Pink!

Ryann and I were roomies our freshman year at San Diego State, and we still love getting together! We probably get to see each other 2x a year with me being in Idaho and her now in Santa Cruz. We decided a photo session was a must after all these years of friendship! My good friend Stephanie Christen took our pictures and it was so fun! Here's her site:

Friday, December 17, 2010

Building building

Niko has definitely gotten better with his blocks. When we first got them for him all he would do is dump them out of the bag and walk away. Now look what he can do!

Is that a tall tower or what? The best part is that he'll even clean up after if you help him!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Can You Say Wii?

Can you say Wii? Well Niko can! Johnny taught him to say Wii and he says it very enthusiastically!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Winter Blues?

This is what I have to look forward to once next summer rolls around! This is getting built a few yards from my apartment! I am so excited, and can't wait to become a water bug again and have Niko become one as well! Doesn't this place look like fun? Already want to fast forward these cold winter days, and roll around to the summer months!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Today I had a busy day at school. I was working on homework, papers, projects, or in class from 7:40 this morning until 5pm. Yuck. So this evening all I wanted to do was make cookies for family & friends. I got these cute tins at dollar tree and filled them with snickerdoodles, peppermint bark, chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, oreo fudge, and candy canes! We narrowed down our cookie list to fourteen families, that's a ton of tins, as you can see!

I love baking and cooking, but I hate the work that comes after...dishes. I cannot wait until we have a dishwasher! Until then, look what awaits me tomorrow. Ahh!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Now Take a Bow

Tonight while Niko was playing with his cars on the couch I was making a grocery list and singing Disney tunes. I started singing the song 'That's How you Know' from the movie Enchanted. I sang small parts of it, but belted out the last part of the song. As soon as I finished my awful out of tune note I heard the most wonderful thing, plenty of applause. Niko apparently had been listening to me and gave me some of his biggest claps with an accompanying smile. I laughed so hard and loved Niko's genuine appreciation for my singing!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Johnny yesterday! Whoops, it got too busy yesterday that I didn't have the chance to post on time. Johnny is a whopping 26 years old now! Wow, we're getting old. This was the first birthday since we've been married that he hasn't had school until 10:30 at night. So naturally we had to celebrate in some way. We went and got chinese food at ying yangs one of our recent favorite places to eat. Then I surprised him, by inviting his family and friends over. They were waiting for us in the apartment when we got back and I think Johnny was pretty surprised. Cupcakes and Catch Phrase made for a fun night! Happy Birthday Johnny!