Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Winter Blues?

This is what I have to look forward to once next summer rolls around! This is getting built a few yards from my apartment! I am so excited, and can't wait to become a water bug again and have Niko become one as well! Doesn't this place look like fun? Already want to fast forward these cold winter days, and roll around to the summer months!


  1. Wait....WHAT?!?!?! they are building THAT over by your apartment?!?!.... Did you say it will be done by this next summer? I have got to get out more... Is it going to be indoor pools/slides or outdoor?

  2. Yeah! It opens Memorial Day, and it's being built right next to the rail road tracks over there, there's a lot of empty land! I am so excited. I'm going to take Niko there all the time!

  3. Oh and it's all outdoors so it's only going to be open during the summer months. Should be fun!

  4. OH YAY!!! umm....totally gonna be hanging out there EVERYDAY in the summer with you :)
