Friday, August 27, 2010

Baby Brother

I have a confession to make. I have a baby brother that I hardly ever talk about! I always ask about Coel when I talk to my Dad and Shan, but I sometimes forget that he is my brother!! Coel is about 19 months old now and 4 months older than Niko. I wish I could see him more, but since he lives in makes things a little more difficult. Here is a picture of him from a few months ago. I can't wait to see him again, hopefully at Christmas time!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friends, Family and Fun Places

Niko and I road tripped it out to California! We definitely put a lot of miles on the car going to Folsom, San Francisco, Monterey Bay and Santa Cruz. We had so much visiting friends, family and fun places!

I got to see a few friends on my trip! I saw my friends Shabnam, Niki, and Ryann.

I loved seeing my mom, it's always so fun to see her. Plus she gave me a little break from Niko, which was nice! I got to spend a WHOLE day to myself baby free so that I could go to a SF Giants game. I was able to go to the game with Nick and a couple of his friends. I had not had so much fun in a very long time! Giants won 3-2, in extra innings.

My favorite was of course the beach! I have always loved the ocean so much, so it was really nice to go there and just relax. I tried to show Niko some tide pools, but he's a little young for that. I took him to the aquarium and he really liked that so I'm glad I took him. We also went with Ryann to the boardwalk and rode a few rides. Our trip was packed with so much fun!

Here we are at the aquarium:

A little trip to the beach:

Niko enjoying one of the Boardwalk rides:

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Coolest Park

Niko and I are on a trip to California right now, and I just had to share about this amazing park we went to. My friends who are still single and not in the "mom" stage, sorry this post will be totally boring. But, moms and future moms out there check this out! In Folsom, on the outskirts of Empire Ranch there is the most amazing park I have been to! The Promontory Park is very unique looking and very fun. Thanks Beth for introducing us to this park!

Niko practiced walking quite a bit, we're still working on him! (He's been getting better though). He also met and older woman there. Just kidding, he met a cute little 2yr old girl there and they were play buddies it was so cute! What a fun day at the park!

Niko is still working on walking!

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Many Faces of Niko

Niko has been such a funny guy lately, wwith so much personality! He loves to wear his emotions on his sleeve, especially his new found pouty face, which he uses ALL the time!

He used the "pouty face" once we left the merry go round today. As we were walking away, Niko pointed to the merry go round, and gave us the biggest pouty face ever with a little sigh.

Also when he is angry, he gives a "hmmf" if he doesn't get his way, and won't make eye contact. All his emotions aren't negative though, those are just his cute new ones he's been using a lot lately.

He has been more cuddly lately too, and gives great open mouthed drool-y kisses when you ask for one. Love watching him grow up!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Refridgerator Monsters

Before bed I was getting Niko a sippy cup of milk. While I was preparing this for him, I left the fridge open. That was my mistake. I later found him chowing down on an uncooked hot dog. He had climbed into the fridge, got the ziploc baggie off the top shelf, helped himself to a hot dog, and left a car in the fridge a long with a baby medicine dispenser he must have found somewhere. Oh, Niko, my little pig. Takes after me way too much....