Friday, August 6, 2010

The Many Faces of Niko

Niko has been such a funny guy lately, wwith so much personality! He loves to wear his emotions on his sleeve, especially his new found pouty face, which he uses ALL the time!

He used the "pouty face" once we left the merry go round today. As we were walking away, Niko pointed to the merry go round, and gave us the biggest pouty face ever with a little sigh.

Also when he is angry, he gives a "hmmf" if he doesn't get his way, and won't make eye contact. All his emotions aren't negative though, those are just his cute new ones he's been using a lot lately.

He has been more cuddly lately too, and gives great open mouthed drool-y kisses when you ask for one. Love watching him grow up!

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