Friday, August 20, 2010

Friends, Family and Fun Places

Niko and I road tripped it out to California! We definitely put a lot of miles on the car going to Folsom, San Francisco, Monterey Bay and Santa Cruz. We had so much visiting friends, family and fun places!

I got to see a few friends on my trip! I saw my friends Shabnam, Niki, and Ryann.

I loved seeing my mom, it's always so fun to see her. Plus she gave me a little break from Niko, which was nice! I got to spend a WHOLE day to myself baby free so that I could go to a SF Giants game. I was able to go to the game with Nick and a couple of his friends. I had not had so much fun in a very long time! Giants won 3-2, in extra innings.

My favorite was of course the beach! I have always loved the ocean so much, so it was really nice to go there and just relax. I tried to show Niko some tide pools, but he's a little young for that. I took him to the aquarium and he really liked that so I'm glad I took him. We also went with Ryann to the boardwalk and rode a few rides. Our trip was packed with so much fun!

Here we are at the aquarium:

A little trip to the beach:

Niko enjoying one of the Boardwalk rides:

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