Thursday, October 14, 2010

Deliciousness! On a Budget!

This month I wanted to have better planned meals as well as save on groceries. What a great thing this has been so far! I started the month off by writing down 25 possible meals. I decided I would supplement the other days with left overs, grabbing a pizza or eating out. I then wrote down every ingredient I would need that I didn't already have in the fridge. Buying all the ingredients at once has helped to avoid unneeeded grocery trips, which sometimes lead to extra purchases, like "Oh, we need a bag of chips!" or "Bagels sound good right we also need to buy cream cheese". You get the point!

Not only have we been saving $$$, but I have been relaxed because I know exactly what we're having for dinner and I have so much fun deciding what to make. I have also been experimenting with different meals and found out we love chimichangas! I love that everything is so organized and I don't have to be scrambling to make quick spaghetti or hamburgers for the third time in a week! I look forward to cooking everyday now. I tell Johnny right after we finish dinner, what I am going to make the next day.
Only bad thing about this DELICIOUSNESS ON A BUDGET would be the fact that I am always thinking about food, which we all know what that leads to! Oh well, that extra pound or two is it worth it to me! I'll just be careful that it's not an extra pound or two a month!

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