Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lucky, Lucky

Well I feel like I have been very lucky lately! Blessed with good friends, good times, and good baseball games!
First, I HAVE to mention how excited I am that the Giants are going on to the World Series. It has been so fun following them this season, and it almost feels like we have a connection with all the players even! We love watching the games on television, especially when they win! I keep trying to figure out how we could possibly incorporate Giants players names into future baby names. I think we will have to settle with naming a dog Buster, after Buster Posey .
My birthday was great! I seriously got spoiled with all my favorite things! We ate at Red Robins, which sports my favorite burgers and endless fries! I got some stuff from Forever 21 from Johnny, which is my absolute favorite clothing store. I have loved wearing all my new clothes. I got a $21 giftcard to Jamba Juice from my mom (how creative) and got a Giant’s Sandoval Panda hat from Nick. Oh yes, and of course the famous Omaha steaks from my dad and a wonderful little note from my favorite Ryann Brown.
Oh and did I mention we’ve been having the absolute best fall weather here?! It has been so great.

Last Saturday our family and Erin Olpin, one of my good friends from highschool, and her friend, went to the Teton Mountains. It was so beautiful we really got to experience the true beauty of fall. With golds, yellows, greens, purples, and reds we saw so much beautiful scenery. We went on a little hike and then drove to a few scenic outlooks. However, the drive was the most beautiful part anyways.

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