Sunday, March 27, 2011

Clothing Baby Bloggers

Niko looked so adorable today at church I really have to remember this, just in case he never lets me put suspenders on him again! Most popular fashion bloggers do a daily "Here's What I wore Today!" So instead of doing it for myself, here's Niko's "Here's What I wore Today!"

Light Blue Button up Shirt (Children's Place: on clearance)
Navy Blue Clip on Tie (Mommy n' Me: $5)
Grey Chino Pants (Old Navy: $9.50)
Red Converse (Target: $12.50)
Red and Blue Suspenders (rainbow connection: $4.99)

Accompanied by my Hippo & Giraffe Blankie (handmade & priceless)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Things to Love

Every day is full of new things to LOVE it seems like!

A few posts ago I talked about an amazing pie I wanted to make. Well, I invited Johnny’s mother over for dinner and took it as an opportunity to make it, and it was as heavenly as it looked in the pictures! I don’t know how people take such amazing pictures of their food (probably with nice cameras that haven’t been used by their child more than them) but of course my picture cannot do it justice! Just make it and understand its goodness!

Now as I sit here at my computer after finishing some homework, I am thinking of more things I’m in love with right now!

Curls, curls, Curls!

They are so fun and I always feel like curls define my personality. I used to have beautiful Shirley Temple curls when I was a baby, but they have since left me and now I have wavy hair. Not only do I think Taylor Swift is so pretty but her hair is to die for.


Kohls and I have this interesting relationship. I either don’t like them at all or absolutely love them. Right now it’s the latter. I have a whole shopping list ready for Friday Morning when my 30% coupon can be redeemed. Not only will I get 30% off my entire purchase, but I’ll get free shipping and $10 kohls cash for every $50 I spend. And did I mention the toys I want to buy for Niko’s birthday are also on sale now buy one get one 50% off?! So I’m shopping for some shoes for Niko, toys for his birthday, other stuff for my niece and one pair of shoes for church for me (since one of my favorite shoes has a broken heel now) and I’m going to get a killer deal on it all.


Many of you know I love Zumba. Nothing like shaking those hips, listening to great music and then calling it exercise. If I could I would do Zumba everyday at least twice a day. I kind of went on a Zumba fast because I wanted to watch the Bachelor, but now that the Bachelor is over, Zumba is going to be going full force on Monday Nights!

Friends & Family Having Babies!

So everyone at church loves Niko. And people at church want me to produce more Nikos for them to adore. Most people know I’m also baby hungry. But since that hunger can’t be fed right now, I love that people around me are having babies that I can ooh and aww over. It seems like everyone I know are having babies and while at first it makes me jealous, it makes me very happy too! Today I found out my visiting teacher is having a girl, which is perfect since she already has a little boy. For now I just think of future baby names 

My Dad!

Last, but not least my dad is so funny. I swear I am such a bore compared to him and his humor. He has been posting updates on facebook of his situation in Tokyo right now with all the tsunami and earthquake hiccups there and his updates can make anyone’s worries go away. So many people are asking him questions about the situation over there and he always has a witty answer.
Q- So are you still bothered by the blackouts?
A- Not since I stopped drinking…

Another example:
Q: Do you have gas now? (everyone is filling up on gas to prepare for another disaster so there isn’t much)
A: Why? If you smell something bad it isn’t me.

And that has to sum it up for my current LOVES right now. I love focusing on all the things there are to smile about!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

You can tell by the Number of Stickers....

You can tell by the number of stickers a child gets at the doctors office how bad or good the experience was. Niko received 3 stickers at the doctors yesterday. Yes, it was that bad. He did not want to be there and kept telling the nurse "bye-bye" and waving for her to leave. Another way you could tell the little guy did not have a good time? All you'd have to do is look at my shoulder and see the slime and snot there (wardrobe change pronto!). We walked away with a prescription for some antibiotics and that was enough for me. No more coughing sick boy please!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Goodies to Make you Smile!

1. Um, hello beautiful! I love this dress! Too bad it's really expensive, but it's so cute and unique. (shabby apple)

2. Yum! This chocolate cookie pie looks amazing, and seems like it's pretty easy to make. I'm trying to think of special days that need special desserts in the near future, so I can make this yummy masterpiece! (bestbites blog)

3. My niece just told me that nearby Heise Hot Springs has a pool open year round that's 92 degrees along with 106 degree hot springs. Why no one told me this before? Who knows. I definitely want to take advantage of this nearby attraction.

4. The Dirty Dash. A 5k or 10k run in Salt Lake City this summer! Not only have I never participated in an organized run, but this is a mix of obstacle course, run and mud. Anyone remember my nickname from 5th grade?? Mud Queen! Yes, this sounds like so much fun, and I want to participate so bad.

5. Last, but definitely not least I love Sea World! I have always loved the ocean and anything to do with it since I was very young, and now I get the opportunity to instill that in my son in a few short weeks. We'll be taking a trip to visit some of my SDSU friends, family, and my mother in San Diego! Sea World here we come!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunamis & Earthquakes

It's hard to watch the news on television about the tsunami and earthquake in Japan when obviously I have 3 of my closest family members there. I'm glad to know they are ok, but let me tell you, the time it took me to finally get a hold of Shan in Tokyo were some of the longest minutes ever. I know to many this was just "news" on tv, but for me it hit home. I'm so lucky to be able to say my family is safe at this time, and to realize how truly important they are to me.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fantastic Food!

This month I decided that I was going to avoid making any boxed or "easy" meals. You know the ones I'm talking about like hamburger helper, frozen orange chicken, mac n' cheese. Not that I make these alot, but as a busy student and mother I probably make these convenient meals a little more than I should. So since this is health month for me (time to lost those extra 5 pounds!) I vowed to make homemade meals for the whole month. I have a few "just in case" meals available but I have not had to resort to this yet!

Because I am doing this challenge, I've been discovering many more recipes online, and am in love with quite a few of them. 3 of my favorite recipes I found were for french dip sandwiches, homemade croutons, and stuffed zuchini.

Here are the wonderful recipes:

French Dip Sandwiches (this was amazing because Albertsons also had beef roast buy one get one free!)
2-3 pounds of beef roast
2 TBSP olive oil
salt & pepper
dry onion soup mix (2 pkgs)
2 C Water
2 C beef broth
6-8 buns/rolls
provolone cheese

1. Heat Oil in a large pot. Salt & pepper Roast, and brown in pot.
2. Place in crockpot, sprink with onion mix. Add the water and beef broth over roast.
3. Cook 8-10 hours on low, or 4-5 hours on high and 3-4 hours on low.
4. Shred with Fork.
5. Place meat in the rolls, top with cheese, and broil face up.

*Use juices in small cups for dipping. (The dip is so yummy)
I was bummed though that I didn't have cute little bowls for the dipping sauce! These are now on my wishlist!

Stuffed Zuchini
2 medium 10" zuchini
4 oz. italian turkey sausage
1/4 diced onion
2 cloves garlic minced
1/2 diced tomato
1 tsp dried basil
2/3 C italian cheese blend
1 Tbsp italian style bread crumbs
salt, pepper, & olive oil

1. Slice in halves & leave tops on
2. Scoop out zuchini centers (dice up the inside scoop stuff)
3. Drizzle zuchini shells with olive oil, sprinkle salt and pepper
4. Brown sausage. ADD onions, garlic, diced zuchini.
5. Cook 2-3 minutes, then ADD tomato, basil, 1/4 tsp salt and some pepper
6. Broil hollowed out zuchini (only for a little bit!)
7. Add Cheese and bread crumbs to mixture
8. Fill zuchini, top with more cheese, sprinkle with bread crumbs, and a little drizzle of olive oil.
9. Bake about 10 minutes at 400-450 degrees. Broil if needed.

Sourdough Garlic Croutons

4C sourdough bread cubes
1 1/2 TBSP olive oil
1 TBSP butter
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp. oregano
1 tsp parsley

Bake @ 350 degrees
1. Combine dry ingredients in bowl. Melt butter and combine in olive oil.
2. Pour butter/olive oil mix over bread cubes, and mix.
3. Sprinkle herb mixture, making sure croutons are all coated.
4. Spread onto baking sheet. Cook 10-20 minutes and flip every 5 minutes.

So Easy & Niko loved popping these into his mouth!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Whose Bath Time is It?

Johnny and I were getting ready to bathe the dog yesterday and got our bath filled up with nice warm water. Niko thought it was for him, and refused to get out so we could wash the dog. This was the result:

(Niko happy in the bath with his shirt on and his diaper, and the dog was miserable being washed in the sink)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I miss this....

This feels like SO long ago! I can't believe he's so big right now. It just amazes me, I can't call him my little baby anymore. I know he's cute now, but I forgot how adorable he was as a baby!