Monday, March 14, 2011

Goodies to Make you Smile!

1. Um, hello beautiful! I love this dress! Too bad it's really expensive, but it's so cute and unique. (shabby apple)

2. Yum! This chocolate cookie pie looks amazing, and seems like it's pretty easy to make. I'm trying to think of special days that need special desserts in the near future, so I can make this yummy masterpiece! (bestbites blog)

3. My niece just told me that nearby Heise Hot Springs has a pool open year round that's 92 degrees along with 106 degree hot springs. Why no one told me this before? Who knows. I definitely want to take advantage of this nearby attraction.

4. The Dirty Dash. A 5k or 10k run in Salt Lake City this summer! Not only have I never participated in an organized run, but this is a mix of obstacle course, run and mud. Anyone remember my nickname from 5th grade?? Mud Queen! Yes, this sounds like so much fun, and I want to participate so bad.

5. Last, but definitely not least I love Sea World! I have always loved the ocean and anything to do with it since I was very young, and now I get the opportunity to instill that in my son in a few short weeks. We'll be taking a trip to visit some of my SDSU friends, family, and my mother in San Diego! Sea World here we come!

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