Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Things to Love

Every day is full of new things to LOVE it seems like!

A few posts ago I talked about an amazing pie I wanted to make. Well, I invited Johnny’s mother over for dinner and took it as an opportunity to make it, and it was as heavenly as it looked in the pictures! I don’t know how people take such amazing pictures of their food (probably with nice cameras that haven’t been used by their child more than them) but of course my picture cannot do it justice! Just make it and understand its goodness!

Now as I sit here at my computer after finishing some homework, I am thinking of more things I’m in love with right now!

Curls, curls, Curls!

They are so fun and I always feel like curls define my personality. I used to have beautiful Shirley Temple curls when I was a baby, but they have since left me and now I have wavy hair. Not only do I think Taylor Swift is so pretty but her hair is to die for.


Kohls and I have this interesting relationship. I either don’t like them at all or absolutely love them. Right now it’s the latter. I have a whole shopping list ready for Friday Morning when my 30% coupon can be redeemed. Not only will I get 30% off my entire purchase, but I’ll get free shipping and $10 kohls cash for every $50 I spend. And did I mention the toys I want to buy for Niko’s birthday are also on sale now buy one get one 50% off?! So I’m shopping for some shoes for Niko, toys for his birthday, other stuff for my niece and one pair of shoes for church for me (since one of my favorite shoes has a broken heel now) and I’m going to get a killer deal on it all.


Many of you know I love Zumba. Nothing like shaking those hips, listening to great music and then calling it exercise. If I could I would do Zumba everyday at least twice a day. I kind of went on a Zumba fast because I wanted to watch the Bachelor, but now that the Bachelor is over, Zumba is going to be going full force on Monday Nights!

Friends & Family Having Babies!

So everyone at church loves Niko. And people at church want me to produce more Nikos for them to adore. Most people know I’m also baby hungry. But since that hunger can’t be fed right now, I love that people around me are having babies that I can ooh and aww over. It seems like everyone I know are having babies and while at first it makes me jealous, it makes me very happy too! Today I found out my visiting teacher is having a girl, which is perfect since she already has a little boy. For now I just think of future baby names 

My Dad!

Last, but not least my dad is so funny. I swear I am such a bore compared to him and his humor. He has been posting updates on facebook of his situation in Tokyo right now with all the tsunami and earthquake hiccups there and his updates can make anyone’s worries go away. So many people are asking him questions about the situation over there and he always has a witty answer.
Q- So are you still bothered by the blackouts?
A- Not since I stopped drinking…

Another example:
Q: Do you have gas now? (everyone is filling up on gas to prepare for another disaster so there isn’t much)
A: Why? If you smell something bad it isn’t me.

And that has to sum it up for my current LOVES right now. I love focusing on all the things there are to smile about!

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