Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dear Life,

Dear Life,

You are so funny sometimes. I thought I knew exactly how my life was going to be, and then you decided to switch it up on me! When I was 17 I graduated from high school and thought I had you all figured out. I had my jeep wrangler with the top off, I had my dream school, San Diego State, and I had plans of living the beach bum lifestyle for the rest of my life. I knew that I'd graduate from SDSU, go on a mission to Tonga, move to Kauai and become a tour guide for kayak tours, and then get married when I was 24. Oh yes, then five or six kids were going to pop out of me.......and they'd all be absolutely adorable.

Life, you put me in my place. Thank you for doing that because it made me realize life can be quite the ride, and it's more fun when you have no idea what is in store for you!

My plans changed to me getting married when I was 18 and then moving to Idaho to go attend a school I refused to apply to my senior year of highschool, BYU Idaho.

Niko was probably the biggest surprise you gave me Life. Not only did I find out I was pregnant a month after getting married, but I learned that being pregnant was not fun. (Throwing up 3 times a day was considered a good day for me) And that C Section? Wow-ee! Life, you quickly turned my dream of 5-6 kids to a much lower number. But remember when I dreamed of having absolutely adorable children? You exceeded my expectations there with my fantastic little boy.

And now, I'm a graduate of college, a super senior with 139 credits, and could not be more satisfied and content right now. My little boy is 2, I'm 21, and married life has been my everyday life for almost 3 years.

Thank you for not giving me the life I planned, but for surprising me with the wonderful one I get to live everyday.


P.S. If you threw in a winning lottery ticket, I really wouldn't complain much over that.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How to Feel like a Million Bucks for $20!

I like clothes, I always have. When I was in high school one of my favorite things to do was to search the clearance racks of stores, and buy cheap cute clothes! I discovered something amazing in Idaho Falls called Lily's Too Consignment Shop. I bring in the clothes that I don't wear anymore, they sell them for me, and write me a check! My clothes have always sold pretty fast! Ok, so if you bring clothes in and she gets them sold you can either take a check or spend it in store. She gives you 10% off the items bought in store if you use your credit there. And let me tell you, she has got a great selection of clothing!

I brought clothing in the end of April and just picked up my $45 check! Woohoo! However, I decided to look around the store and found some awesome deals. Since it's the end of summer pretty much everything was 50% off. 50% off an already cheap price is not bad at all! I spent half of my credit in store and got so much "new" stuff.

My favorite steal was a cute black dress, for $3.50. It fits great and reminds me of Audrey Hepburn....and for $3.50?!?!?!

I have been looking for a denim skirt for awhile, something casual and cute that I can wear with tights for the fall/winter and now I've got it. It was $5.00 but 50% off it was $2.50!

This classy shirt is Tommy Hilfiger and good for those times I need to dress up! $4.50

This flannel hoodie was actually in the boys section but I thought it'd be adorable for those casual cold Idaho winters. $2

I got a beautiful oriental looking one too, but it's in the wash because I HAD to wear it right away! It rang up to $4.50, and it's perfect for dinner out.

And trust me, that wasn't everything I bought either! I also got a cute american eagle cargo skirt, a pink shirt, and a preppy navy sweater for the fall.

So total it all added up to $25 and something cents, but remember I had a credit?? So basically it cost me nothing and I still brought home a $20 check. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Erinne's How to_______

So I feel like I probably have some good advice to share that could be super helpful to someone out there! I am going to try and do a "how to" section once a week on my blog. I think it will be quite fun!

My First How To is going to be entitled "How to feel like a million bucks for $20!" Look for it in the near future!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Thank You Niko

Thank you for carrying, I mean dragging in the groceries for me. Even though it ripped the bottom of the bag and hit the back of your legs and made you cry, it was so thoughtful.

Thank you for pointing out Oscar's poop when you find it. You are the best poop detector ever.

Thank you for taking the trash out with me to the dumpster. I have never known anyone who got more excited than you to throw the trash away.

Thank you for throwing your own diapers away. Best thing ever.

Thank you for keeping me entertained in the long lines at Wal Mart.

Thank you for keeping life simple by showing me how excited you get about picking out a new rock for your collection.

Thank you Niko for being the most perfect little helper.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Rough thing about Rexburg

The rough thing about Rexburg is the fact that families here are moving away constantly. You get to know one family, and then they move on you! Oh well, I guess that's the way it is when we are at this stage in life/college life.

One of Johnny's friends that he grew up with, Matt Blomquist, moved today and we are so sad! Matt has always been a great friend to Johnny and those two have so many memories together! Matt came with Johnny to visit me in San Diego when we were dating and he has grown to be such a great family friend! And then Matt married Sarah and we love her and baby Maja just as much! We'll miss them.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Smiles, Relaxing, Stressing, and Boys.....

The semester is coming to an end and I picked up my cap & gown earlier today. I tried on the cap and cannot see how anyone can look attractive in one of those things! Oh well, maybe the HUGE smile I’m going to have on that day will make up for that ugly black thing. With the end of the semester being crazy I have still found time to relax which is nice! My friend Char taught me how to make a reversible car seat cover the other day! I will have to post some pictures, but it was fun to learn how to use a sewing machine and make something that looked absolutely adorable! She was a good teacher.

Next week is going to be so great, I cannot wait to have family in town and celebrate a big accomplishment!

Oh and aren’t my boys adorable?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Snoop Dog!

I had the fun opportunity to be Snoopy in the big fourth of july parade in Rexburg. I found out about the opportunity on the BYU I Bulletin Board page where they post tons of random things. They needed someone short,and I was the shortest person who responded so I got the job (woot, first time being short has ever paid off). It was so fun sitting on the float and hearing all the kids cheer for me. I had no clue that the children would be SO excited! We keep trying to explain to Niko that mommy was the dog dressed up, but his little mind can't wrap around that one yet.

Friday, July 1, 2011

There Were No Cherries

Today Niko and I ran over to the Farmer's Market to pick up some cherries (Niko's new favorite), but we arrived too late and they had already packed up their stand! Oh-no! So instead.....

We shook our shoulders and danced to the music they were still playing!

and read.....

and did some modeling.....

(thanks Niko for taking an awesome picture of me, or not)

And then Niko had so much fun and refused to go to bed, so I set up a "quiet place" next to me for him to read books and draw)