Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Smiles, Relaxing, Stressing, and Boys.....

The semester is coming to an end and I picked up my cap & gown earlier today. I tried on the cap and cannot see how anyone can look attractive in one of those things! Oh well, maybe the HUGE smile I’m going to have on that day will make up for that ugly black thing. With the end of the semester being crazy I have still found time to relax which is nice! My friend Char taught me how to make a reversible car seat cover the other day! I will have to post some pictures, but it was fun to learn how to use a sewing machine and make something that looked absolutely adorable! She was a good teacher.

Next week is going to be so great, I cannot wait to have family in town and celebrate a big accomplishment!

Oh and aren’t my boys adorable?

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