Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dear Life,

Dear Life,

You are so funny sometimes. I thought I knew exactly how my life was going to be, and then you decided to switch it up on me! When I was 17 I graduated from high school and thought I had you all figured out. I had my jeep wrangler with the top off, I had my dream school, San Diego State, and I had plans of living the beach bum lifestyle for the rest of my life. I knew that I'd graduate from SDSU, go on a mission to Tonga, move to Kauai and become a tour guide for kayak tours, and then get married when I was 24. Oh yes, then five or six kids were going to pop out of me.......and they'd all be absolutely adorable.

Life, you put me in my place. Thank you for doing that because it made me realize life can be quite the ride, and it's more fun when you have no idea what is in store for you!

My plans changed to me getting married when I was 18 and then moving to Idaho to go attend a school I refused to apply to my senior year of highschool, BYU Idaho.

Niko was probably the biggest surprise you gave me Life. Not only did I find out I was pregnant a month after getting married, but I learned that being pregnant was not fun. (Throwing up 3 times a day was considered a good day for me) And that C Section? Wow-ee! Life, you quickly turned my dream of 5-6 kids to a much lower number. But remember when I dreamed of having absolutely adorable children? You exceeded my expectations there with my fantastic little boy.

And now, I'm a graduate of college, a super senior with 139 credits, and could not be more satisfied and content right now. My little boy is 2, I'm 21, and married life has been my everyday life for almost 3 years.

Thank you for not giving me the life I planned, but for surprising me with the wonderful one I get to live everyday.


P.S. If you threw in a winning lottery ticket, I really wouldn't complain much over that.

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