Friday, October 21, 2011

Baby #2

Well, we are making it public that we're expecting baby #2! While it shouldn't have been a complete surprise, it really was! I randomly decided to take a pregnancy test, I had no reason to really take one and........2 lines showed up!

I didn't believe it so I had to take one of those totally obvious tests, the ones that say Yes or No. Haha.

We had our first ultrasound yesterday and it was so fun to see the little bean in there, measuring at 1.5 cm?! It's truly amazing. Baby #2's due date is the exact same day as Niko's was, which is May 31.

I have been feeling great this pregnancy, or at least completely different than last one. With Niko I was so so sick! Throwing up multiple times a day, dropped my classes for the semester, and was hardly able to do anything except lay down on the couch. This time, I feel a little nausea and it didn't show up until later, but it's still manageable. I also need a nap everyday! Niko is so nice to let me do that during the day, he always stays very quiet for me :)

Cannot wait for my belly and our family to grow!