Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Out of the Mouth of Babes #2

More Wonderful Things That Come from Niko's Mouth:

Today Niko ran down the hall yelling "I WANT CANDY! I WANT CANDY! I WANT CANDY!" He sounded like a mad man!

A few days ago Niko and I were driving to the park and the song "From this Moment On" by Shania Twain came on. I started singing and Niko said, "Mom, What the Heck?! Stop it, stop it!" Haha, guess I won't be singing in the car again anytime soon....

Niko is obsessed with pajamas. He wears them to bed, then in the morning puts on a new pair for the day. I can only get him to wear normal clothes sometimes. The other day I asked him to change out of his pjs because we were going to the store and he replied with "My monkey jammies look GREAT!"

That little boy keeps me laughing!

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