Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Be Grateful

I decided I needed a little extra spiritual boost in the day and have picked up my old book "Way to Be" by Gordon B Hinckley. I figured it'd be just what I need, nothing too heavy or hard to understand after putting Niko to bed. Today was the first night and boy what a blessing.

The first chapter is called BE GRATEFUL. Reading it made me think of Niko. The chapter kept talking about saying thank you for everything. I'm lucky to have a little boy who does this all by himself. We don't have to tell him to say thank you, he will say it for every small thing and you can hear that he really means it in his voice! I need to be more like him! A few things from the book that I liked were:

"Gratitude creates the most wonderful feeling."

"The habit of saying thank you is the mark of a cultivated mind."

"Your very attitude toward life can be evidence of whether or not you are truly grateful for life, for the blessings you have, for the comforts and privileges and opportunities you enjoy, for the talents you have been given, for everything."

It is so true. After reading I was thinking about all the things I'm so happy for in life and it put me at peace. I for once totally forgot about my long list of "why me?!" 's and found peace in how truly blessed I am. What a great feeling to have before bed :)

Comparing the two little ones

So I can't believe it, but this pregnancy is moving along so fast! I'm 14 weeks now and officially out of the first trimester! It's interesting how different these 2 pregnancies have already been, and we would be thoroughly surprised if this one wasn't a girl! However, the thought of a girl has started scaring both Johnny and I! We both know how to take care of crazy boys, but.....dolls? And.....make up? Yikes! Well, we'll see! Here's comparing the two pregnancies so far: (and sorry this is boring, it's mostly for me to remember)

Niko: I started getting sick with him 3wks along in the pregnancy and was so sick! It lasted until about 17-18 weeks and really wiped me out. A good day for me was if I threw up only once in a day.

Baby 2: I had one week I felt nauseated, and only threw up once because of the smells down the hall. My neighbor is always cooking yummy food, that smells great, but I can't stand the smell of meat with this pregnancy and when taking out the trash one day I just couldn't hold it in after walking past our neighbor's door and had to run back inside!

Niko: First trimester I lost a ton of weight which worried the doctors since then I was tiny already. I dropped past the 100lb marker with him and it was very scary and so stressful.

Baby 2: At my first appt (8wks)I'd already gained 2 lbs, but I haven't gained any since even though you wouldn't believe it looking at the size of my belly!

Niko: I've heard people complain about having to pee a ton, but not with Niko.

Baby 2: HOLY COW!!!! I'm peeing constantly! It's actually kind of ridiculous, but I always need to!

Niko: Not even close, I could tell but that's it.

Baby 2: I've got a bump, and it's quite noticeable. Actually, you'd have to be blind to not see that thing. And it's up really high, Niko was lower.

Niko: Niko was a doll and actually made my acne go away and made my face clear up perfectly.

Baby 2: This time acne has flared up so much! Ugh, one more thing I have to deal with!

Niko: Not really. One time, I really craved mac n cheese with Niko, but that was only for a few days.

Baby 2: Not really and not yet. One week I craved my pasta salad, and I ate pasta salad for breakfast lunch and dinner until my huge batch was gone.

Niko: I got tons of infections in the first trimester. I got 4 in the first 13 weeks and that was awful. I also got super super emotional.

Baby 2: I had 3 wks of extreme tiredness. I could not make it through the day without a nap. Chest dept grew and hurts a lot, with Niko this didn't happen til 3rd trimester right at the end. I also get headaches quite a bit, which I never usually get and never got with Niko.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

First "Real" Snow

So today it snowed, and it snowed, and it snowed.

And Niko was happy, happy, very happy.

Actually, it was a ton of fun, and Niko is in heaven. He had so much fun scooping the snow with his spoon and checking it all out. He spent so much time outside and I basically had to drag him in once it started snowing too hard.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Out of the Mouths of Babes #3

So Niko says a ton of funny stuff, but the two moments I am in love with are in regards to the baby. I think he gets it! Yay!

#1 I asked Niko if he wanted to say hi to the baby and he then lifted up my shirt, waved at my belly and said "Hi baby hi! I am Niko!"

#2 Niko likes to lift up my shirt and stare at my belly. I think he tries to figure out how there's a baby in there. I always tell him that the baby just likes to sleep in my stomach, which seems to make sense to him. Yesterday we were cuddling and I asked him if he wanted to say hi to the baby and I lifted up my shirt to see the belly. He quickly put my shirt down and patted it and said "Mommy shhh! Baby is napping".