Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Out of the Mouths of Babes #3

So Niko says a ton of funny stuff, but the two moments I am in love with are in regards to the baby. I think he gets it! Yay!

#1 I asked Niko if he wanted to say hi to the baby and he then lifted up my shirt, waved at my belly and said "Hi baby hi! I am Niko!"

#2 Niko likes to lift up my shirt and stare at my belly. I think he tries to figure out how there's a baby in there. I always tell him that the baby just likes to sleep in my stomach, which seems to make sense to him. Yesterday we were cuddling and I asked him if he wanted to say hi to the baby and I lifted up my shirt to see the belly. He quickly put my shirt down and patted it and said "Mommy shhh! Baby is napping".

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