Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter!

Easter was fun this year because Niko's definitely at the age where he understood the Easter Egg Hunt thing. Alex (our 3 1/2 yr old nephew), Niko, and Aiona (Niko's BEST friend) did a hunt in the grassy area out back of our apartment complex. Most of the eggs were in plain sight, but the kids all loved finding the eggs and putting them in their little baskets or bags.
Here's the Hunting Crew!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Last, First Day

So today was my first day of my last semester! Yay! I have been awaiting this day for a very long time, and now it's finally here! I was planning back in March that I was going to make this day a holiday and take lots of pictures w/me and my backpack,you know those silly "first day of school pictures" BUT I got this stomach flu thing again and almost thought I was going to miss the first day of school due to throwing up. I literally woke up from a nap 15 minutes before I headed out the door, putting just a bit of make up on and grabbing whatever was on the top of my shirt drawer. Not exactly the great last, first day I had in mind. Oh and p.s. yes I did have to excuse myself from my 2nd class of the day to get sick, which is def not fun in a public bathroom...or ever for that matter. Yuck! I'm very thankful that this day has come to an end.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sea World!

We were supposed to go to Sea World on Monday, but due to 2 adults not feeling ship shape we postponed it for Tuesday.

At first Niko was definitely not into the whole Sea World thing. He didn't get what we were looking at and why we were just "wandering" around a park.

I was thinking "Oh great, super bad idea, he's still too young". However, after an hour things started picking up and he got really interested.

He liked the aquarium part and the bright colored fish.

He enjoyed the moving sidewalk for the shark exhibit (he didn't even notice the sharks), and liked the penguins.

His favorites though were the two shows we saw and the Sea Lions.

We saw a show called Pets Rule and Niko loved watching all the animals do tricks on the stage. And, he also LOVED the music. He definitely has some good dance moves in him. Later in the afternoon we watched the Shamu show. He didn't have the best view but it kept his interest watching the whales jump in the air.

His all-time favorite were the sea lions. You could get up really close and watch them, and some people were even feeding the sea lions fish. We spent over 30 minutes just looking at them. He laughed every time they barked and he liked to see them dive for the fish. Really he just loved watching them do whatever they were doing. Towards the end, Niko walked up the "fish stand" where there were 2 ladies selling the fish to feed the seals. It cost $6 to feed the seals about 4 fish, and I was not going to buy them for Niko. However, Niko, decided to have a conversation with the lady at the counter for a good 5 minutes about nothing (since he speaks mostly his own language) and he won over her heart. She found the biggest fish she could find in a bucket and asked her assistant to help my little boy feed the sea lions. Niko got excited, grabbed the fish, and then licked his fingers to taste it. He got the most disgusted look on his face, and refused to touch the fish anymore. Everyone laughed who saw nearby, and a cute girl was able to feed the sea lions instead.

So Fun!

San Diego Trip Day 3 "Sick!"

So, Niko got very sick with the stomach flu the Friday night/Saturday Morning we got here. He was throwing up so much, which I had never been through with him. Luckily, he felt much better by Saturday afternoon. Then, my mom and I got the exact same thing Sunday Night/all day Monday. I was throwing up all early morning Monday and felt so bad because Niko was bored out of his mind while just sitting next to me on my bed while I was trying not to get sick. Being sick on vacation is not fun!

I let Niko play with photo booth on the computer while I was trying to get a few more zzz's in the morning from lack of sleep.

I felt a bit better later and got my bootie out of bed so I could give my son a not so boring day. We hung out with cousin Isabel and Aunt Loretta at the park for a long time and had fun catching up and hanging out.

I got a flat tire on the way home and from experiencing a johnny tutorial on how to change a tire, maybe a few months before, I almost changed the whole thing by myself, while Niko pretended to drive the car.

Oh, and Niko & I both got super burnt! I never burn, I couldn't believe it!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

San Diego Trip Day 2 "Great idea....turned bad, then turned good!"

Today we went to church and then headed to a park near Mission Bay. We saw it when we were lost the day before and it looked like so much fun. We had good intentions, I swear!, but once we hauled everything out of the car and walked up to the park we noticed something that made me sad. All the fun park equipment was in sand. Of course. Niko did not want to play at all. I was so bummed, cuz it was really a cool unique park!

BUT, we later found out there was a lot of equipment in the back that had bark and turf on the ground instead! So he really enjoyed himself over there and played and played and played!

He found a little piece of blue streamer at the park and held onto it the whole time. So funny!

Niko also loved this wall alot since he's learning his ABC's right now! He recognizes and can say the letters A, B, E, N, O, X, and Y.

San Diego Trip "Sand is a No-No"

So last year I took Niko with me to Santa Cruz and he hated sand. I thought that'd change as he got older but it hasn't yet! He thinks I'm torturing him if I let his body touch the sand. How can you not go to the beach when you visit San Diego though?! He liked shoveling the sand (as long as he was sitting on a towel), and by the end of our beach day he at least walked down to the water to fill his toy watering can. I guess my dreams of having my son be a surfer boy went out the window. But I guess that also happened once I moved to Idaho!