Sunday, April 10, 2011

San Diego Trip Day 2 "Great idea....turned bad, then turned good!"

Today we went to church and then headed to a park near Mission Bay. We saw it when we were lost the day before and it looked like so much fun. We had good intentions, I swear!, but once we hauled everything out of the car and walked up to the park we noticed something that made me sad. All the fun park equipment was in sand. Of course. Niko did not want to play at all. I was so bummed, cuz it was really a cool unique park!

BUT, we later found out there was a lot of equipment in the back that had bark and turf on the ground instead! So he really enjoyed himself over there and played and played and played!

He found a little piece of blue streamer at the park and held onto it the whole time. So funny!

Niko also loved this wall alot since he's learning his ABC's right now! He recognizes and can say the letters A, B, E, N, O, X, and Y.

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