Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Last, First Day

So today was my first day of my last semester! Yay! I have been awaiting this day for a very long time, and now it's finally here! I was planning back in March that I was going to make this day a holiday and take lots of pictures w/me and my backpack,you know those silly "first day of school pictures" BUT I got this stomach flu thing again and almost thought I was going to miss the first day of school due to throwing up. I literally woke up from a nap 15 minutes before I headed out the door, putting just a bit of make up on and grabbing whatever was on the top of my shirt drawer. Not exactly the great last, first day I had in mind. Oh and p.s. yes I did have to excuse myself from my 2nd class of the day to get sick, which is def not fun in a public bathroom...or ever for that matter. Yuck! I'm very thankful that this day has come to an end.

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