Sunday, April 10, 2011

San Diego Trip "Sand is a No-No"

So last year I took Niko with me to Santa Cruz and he hated sand. I thought that'd change as he got older but it hasn't yet! He thinks I'm torturing him if I let his body touch the sand. How can you not go to the beach when you visit San Diego though?! He liked shoveling the sand (as long as he was sitting on a towel), and by the end of our beach day he at least walked down to the water to fill his toy watering can. I guess my dreams of having my son be a surfer boy went out the window. But I guess that also happened once I moved to Idaho!


  1. Awww, I love all of your beach pictures! so cute!!

  2. Steven Michael doesn't like sand either. He is okay with it sometimes. But for the most part he would rather not. :)
