Monday, May 30, 2011

Current Obsessions!!

little brother coel:
There's a little boy in our ward who I think looks very much like Coel and makes me want to see him so bad! He needs to play with his little nephew Niko!

Las Vegas Trip:
I have wanted to do one of these forever! My plans have always included the golden nugget hotel that has a pool with a water slide that goes through a shark tank! Hello, how cool is that?! And, I'd also like to see the JabbaWockeez perform and Blue man again.

Wanting to live in a House:
450 sq feet is starting to feel very small. House soon, please?

Desire to live in Hawaii:
Everyone who knows me knows I've always been a little sun beach bum. Some of you know I would dream of living there. I would still love this and still dream about it quite often!

Learn to sew:
I need to become a craftier person. It would help a lot.

Be a college grad:
July feels like such a long time from now...but it is not really. woohoo!

to drink jamba juice everyday:
This is the start of my super healthy kick! For a whole month I'm going to be as healthy as possible and I have been craving jamba juice and mcdonalds frozen strawberry lemonade. They are my little heaven in this little hell (oh oops did I say hell? I meant Rexburg-jk).

Can I be in highschool again and take all those super fun orchestra trips to disneyland?! I miss Disneyland and the excitement of being in the happiest place on Earth!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Birthday Boy!

Niko turned two years old on Thursday and we had a wonderful little party!

I can’t believe Niko is now 2! He has grown so fast, and can do so much now! On his first birthday he was pretty much only saying Mama and Dada and couldn’t even walk yet. Let’s just say it’s completely different now!
• Niko is going, going, going all the time, he is probably the most energetic boy I have ever met and everyone else who knows him would agree as well!
• loves Wii (he likes this preschool game called PooYoos and he can get the highest score ever on Wii bowling…he averages probably around 140-no joke)
• Niko can say a lot of words now, but isn’t putting them in sentences yet…oh and he finally says “yes”! Some other newer words are play, fun, book, and go.
• knows all his body parts now and can say most of them too.
• His favorite friend is Aionna Williams! He gets so excited when he sees her. They like to run down the halls of our apartment, when we give Niko a ginger snap he always gives his to her, and lately he’s been trying to hold her hand a lot. It’s super cute.
• He loves tv shows with fun theme songs: his favorites are the” hot dog song” on mickey mouse and “here we go, go, go!” on the Cat in the Hat.
• He loves music and has great dance moves
• He loves his golf clubs and all his different balls
• Niko has definitely reached the terrible 2’s! He throws the most awful tantrums when he doesn’t get his way.
• Niko knows almost his whole alphabet and points out letters all the time in books, on tv, or on signs. He can say almost all his letters now-seriously so smart!
• Niko loves his family. He loves Gramma (Annette and my mom), Papa (grandpa Dunkley), Chetty (Charity), Alex and J.J. (his uncle). Now we just need to work on the rest of our family members’ names! Oh and we can’t forget Olly (our dog Oscar)
• He’s very grown up now. He doesn’t say Mama or Dada anymore, he now calls us Mom and Dad for the most part.
• He has to sleep with his giraffe blanket
• He knows his numbers and always insists on pushing the floor button in the elevator
Niko makes friends with everyone he meets!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wouldn't It be Nice...

Wouldn't it be nice if life was perfect all the time and I could write about beautiful wonderful things?! While I do like to focus on the good in life & Niko, I want to write this down so I can remember it for future children and to check his progress!

Niko hates bedtime/naptime now. He has become a somewhat defiant little boy so he now refuses to take naps (he used to take amazing 2 hr naps)and won't go to bed unless I lie down with him. Also, if he happens to wake up in the middle of the night he crawls out of bed and stays up forever. Plus, he has been waking up between 6-7:30 every morning when it used to be 8:30-9:30. Now, I have always bragged to people about how amazing a sleeper Niko was. Since he was little he was always really good about going to bed, so I think this sudden change has really thrown me off!

I hope it changes soon, and I hope I can get more sleep!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


All Rockies games are on tv here, and so it's the MOST EXCITING THING EVER when the Giants play the Rockies, because then we get to watch the Giants play on our large tv. Going to a game in San Francisco is better than Christmas for me, and while watching it on tv is not quite as exciting, it's still tons of fun (especially when they win!). They won today and yesterday and they were great games to watch!

The Berardy side have always been big Giants fans. I remember going to Giants games with my grandparents or with Nick and my mom and freezing my butt off rooting for Barry Bonds. We always sat in the nosebleed seats where all the seagulls would pooped on the seats. Yuck. Of course our family has continued being huge giants fans and I can't wait to spread the love with my family. Niko doesn't know it yet, but he's going to love the Giants (obviously I won't force him to but it'll come naturally for him).


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Early Sunday Mornings...

Niko woke up extremely early Sunday and I was thinking “what on earth was I supposed to do with my energetic child at 6 am in the morning?” After some contemplation I decided a play time bath would be perfect. He loves bubbles and his fun bath crayons. I sat on the floor or rather laid on the floor while Niko had a blast in the tub. He seriously played in there for an hour I believe? I loved the mural he came up with though! He put so much thought into it, can’t you tell?