Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wouldn't It be Nice...

Wouldn't it be nice if life was perfect all the time and I could write about beautiful wonderful things?! While I do like to focus on the good in life & Niko, I want to write this down so I can remember it for future children and to check his progress!

Niko hates bedtime/naptime now. He has become a somewhat defiant little boy so he now refuses to take naps (he used to take amazing 2 hr naps)and won't go to bed unless I lie down with him. Also, if he happens to wake up in the middle of the night he crawls out of bed and stays up forever. Plus, he has been waking up between 6-7:30 every morning when it used to be 8:30-9:30. Now, I have always bragged to people about how amazing a sleeper Niko was. Since he was little he was always really good about going to bed, so I think this sudden change has really thrown me off!

I hope it changes soon, and I hope I can get more sleep!

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