Monday, May 30, 2011

Current Obsessions!!

little brother coel:
There's a little boy in our ward who I think looks very much like Coel and makes me want to see him so bad! He needs to play with his little nephew Niko!

Las Vegas Trip:
I have wanted to do one of these forever! My plans have always included the golden nugget hotel that has a pool with a water slide that goes through a shark tank! Hello, how cool is that?! And, I'd also like to see the JabbaWockeez perform and Blue man again.

Wanting to live in a House:
450 sq feet is starting to feel very small. House soon, please?

Desire to live in Hawaii:
Everyone who knows me knows I've always been a little sun beach bum. Some of you know I would dream of living there. I would still love this and still dream about it quite often!

Learn to sew:
I need to become a craftier person. It would help a lot.

Be a college grad:
July feels like such a long time from now...but it is not really. woohoo!

to drink jamba juice everyday:
This is the start of my super healthy kick! For a whole month I'm going to be as healthy as possible and I have been craving jamba juice and mcdonalds frozen strawberry lemonade. They are my little heaven in this little hell (oh oops did I say hell? I meant Rexburg-jk).

Can I be in highschool again and take all those super fun orchestra trips to disneyland?! I miss Disneyland and the excitement of being in the happiest place on Earth!

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