Saturday, May 21, 2011

Birthday Boy!

Niko turned two years old on Thursday and we had a wonderful little party!

I can’t believe Niko is now 2! He has grown so fast, and can do so much now! On his first birthday he was pretty much only saying Mama and Dada and couldn’t even walk yet. Let’s just say it’s completely different now!
• Niko is going, going, going all the time, he is probably the most energetic boy I have ever met and everyone else who knows him would agree as well!
• loves Wii (he likes this preschool game called PooYoos and he can get the highest score ever on Wii bowling…he averages probably around 140-no joke)
• Niko can say a lot of words now, but isn’t putting them in sentences yet…oh and he finally says “yes”! Some other newer words are play, fun, book, and go.
• knows all his body parts now and can say most of them too.
• His favorite friend is Aionna Williams! He gets so excited when he sees her. They like to run down the halls of our apartment, when we give Niko a ginger snap he always gives his to her, and lately he’s been trying to hold her hand a lot. It’s super cute.
• He loves tv shows with fun theme songs: his favorites are the” hot dog song” on mickey mouse and “here we go, go, go!” on the Cat in the Hat.
• He loves music and has great dance moves
• He loves his golf clubs and all his different balls
• Niko has definitely reached the terrible 2’s! He throws the most awful tantrums when he doesn’t get his way.
• Niko knows almost his whole alphabet and points out letters all the time in books, on tv, or on signs. He can say almost all his letters now-seriously so smart!
• Niko loves his family. He loves Gramma (Annette and my mom), Papa (grandpa Dunkley), Chetty (Charity), Alex and J.J. (his uncle). Now we just need to work on the rest of our family members’ names! Oh and we can’t forget Olly (our dog Oscar)
• He’s very grown up now. He doesn’t say Mama or Dada anymore, he now calls us Mom and Dad for the most part.
• He has to sleep with his giraffe blanket
• He knows his numbers and always insists on pushing the floor button in the elevator
Niko makes friends with everyone he meets!

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