Saturday, March 27, 2010

Property Virgins

Houses, houses, houses! Johnny and I are both at that point where we think about houses a lot. We like to drive around and look at different house styles and compare which ones we like. For the most part we like the same ones so that's good :). At night we usually squeeze in an episode of Property Virgins or My First Place on HGTV. It helps us decide what we want our first home to look like. I cannot wait to get out of our tiny apartment and be in a home! We feel like we're teasing ourselves by looking at homes now, but it is never too early to start deciding what you want for the future!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

10 months old

Well, the little guy just keeps getting bigger and bigger. He is now 10 months old, can you believe it? He proves to us how big he is getting everyday! Niko loves bath time and plays with his little ocean toys everyday. I'm the one who has to end bath time. If he had his way he'd play with his little toys and splash for at least an hour. He is also starting to say ma-ma. In the mornings he asks for da-da and ma-ma, but usually that's the only time he says ma-ma. Today we took him to the park and learned he likes the swings. Niko keeps exploring and likes to open and close doors and go through his tunnel when we set it up. Niko knows he has "his drawer" in the kitchen and goes to it every day. He loves to pull things out and play while I'm in the kitchen with him. He makes everyone he meets smile and everyday little guy does new things! We just adore him!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

The End and the Beginning...woohoo?

Many of you know that BYU Idaho's semester ends in April! I cannot wait because I only have 3 more weeks of class left for this semester! This semester has been so packed and busy, but has probably been one of my favorite semesters here so far. I will be taking another full load next semester, but not as packed....or we will see.

Next semester starts April 20th and I will have 13 credits. Here are my classes:

Child 300 Infant and Toddler Development
Child 440 Administrative Issues
Fam 460 Child and Family Advocacy
Rel 122 Book of Mormon
AMF 101 American Foundations

Should be interesting courses. I don't know why I'm taking so many classes though! I really just need a break from class overload. I have not had a break! Even the summer I had Niko I was taking two classes. I guess I'm just so determined to graduate the same time as my peers and know that that will be such an accomplishment!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Today during afterschool program I had a little girl who just wanted to play with me all recess. She's so cute and always tells me things like "Before afterschool today, I made the decision that I would be very quiet and well behaved." When we were coming in for recess she came up to me and gave me a big big hug. However, with all the silly things that go on in today's world, teachers are not allowed to "touch" the students. I had to give her a quick few pats on the back and kind of push her off of me. I wish I could have given her a big hug back because it feels so nice to be loved and appreciated!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I want EVERYONE to know who I am!

Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest. A day to go to church. A day to worship. A day of peace. Niko had different plans. Niko loves going to church because there are people, people people! People smile at him, the occasional person plays with his feet, and he likes to look at other little babies. This past sunday though he wanted EVERYONE to know who he was.

It started off during sunday school where he decided he was not going to sit still in momma's lap. I let him crawl around, after all we were sitting in the back row of class, and he just approached any human being around. He pulled himself up and started hitting the leg of a person sitting 3 seats down. He took the toys of a baby sitting next to us. He climbed under the row of chairs in front of us and popped out the other side and started playing with someone's scriptures. Oh brother!

Then, we walked down the hall to sacrament meeting. He was being good in my arms and all the sudden the door to a classroom swung open extremely fast and smacked him in the head. Poor guy was screaming his head off and everyone heard. Not everyone saw him, but everyone heard him.

He calmed down after awhile and then we were able to sit down. He was climbing all over the bench. Standing on it and jumping up and down. The only time he sat still was during the songs. He also decided to smile and wave at everyone who was sitting behind us. Then, he of course, bonked his head again and we had to exit quickly. Niko loved crawling around in the hallway. I picked him up and walked him over to a picture of Christ. He looked up at it, stared at it for awhile then finally smiled and waved. Niko must have recognized him!

After church when everyone was exiting, I had so many people come up to me and make comments like "what a cutie, but you can tell he's quite the handful!" "Oh he's feeling better after the fall!" "I'm sure he'll have a bump!" Niko just loves to be the center of attention, even at church.

Oh and for those of you who are wondering, yes he kept his bow tie on through church!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Niko loves Da-da

Niko has been saying da-da all the time now. Yesterday while Johnny was doing his homework on the couch, Niko came up to him, pulled himself into a standing position next to the couch and started waving a wipe at him trying to get Johnny's attention saying over and over again "Da-Da" "Da-Da". Then, this morning when Niko woke up he was calling for "Da-da". After no one came he started saying something else, which sounded like "Nya-Nya". He's definitely working on saying Mama because he keeps saying this "nya nya". Too fun! Here's a clip of him saying dada.

wacky hair and too much fun!

What a worry free day. Today was definitely stress free and what a nice feeling that is! I can say the biggest worry of my day was if Niko needed a haircut because it's now getting into his eyes. As you can tell, no big worries today!
Niko and I hung out this morning while Dad slept in. While I was cleaning the bedroom, Niko was being so good and just sat in front of the full length mirror and waved at himself. He is too fun. Here is a picture:

Johnny brought me a little surprise today, he got me the movie Ponyo! Ponyo just came out a few days ago, and for those of you who don't know it's an adorable studio ghibli film (jap
anese anime). What a surprise, and I can't wait to sit down and turn it on tonight!

Today I went wavy, and it reminded me of the good ol' days when I had a perm!

Anyways, who thinks Niko needs a haircut? Or should we keep it the way it is?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's Melting!!!

Today has been an up and down day for sure! Let's start with the ups first though!

THE UP! The snow is melting, the snow is melting, the snow is melting!!! I saw so many puddles today and it made me so happy.

THE DOWN! My car got a tire lock put on it because I parked on campus where I'm not supposed to. I have gotten too many parking citations now, and I'm officially not allowed to park on campus the rest of my time at BYU Idaho. Oops.

THE UP! I did well on my test that I parked in the "bad" area for. Woohoo.

THE DOWN! Spilled chocolate milk on the couch and all over myself.

THE UP! While playing darts I got 2 double bulls eye and a 17 in one round, go me!

THE DOWN! Mmm, can't think of anything :)

THE UP! Niko officially knows what Bye Bye is, and when we say bye to someone he waves and smiles, it is the cutest thing ever!!

I guess the big up and down for the day were two posts I saw on facebook from my San Diego buds. My friend Jeff has been dating his girlfriend for 2 years now! I remember when he would come to my friends' Brittney and Le'lani's dorms and tell us how amazing this girl was and how he was SO interested in her. And now it's been 2 years! I also got a post from Le'lani who posted what she thought the funniest words were to come out of my mouth, which were "Le'lani can you teach me how to Pop, Lock and Drop it?" I love my San Diego friends so much and love how they all try to stay in touch with me! I may not hear from them too often, but they never let me feel like I'm forgotten! I am lucky to have great friends like that, but am so sad I never get to see them!! Sometime I need to visit them all, and maybe Le'lani can teach me some dance moves, and Danielle and Brittney can just laugh at me. Soon, soon!

Dunkley Deals??

So I made this blog originally to post my clothing up to sell on the BYU Idaho website for some extra cash, but have now sold it all or donated it to D.I. I decided I should put this blog to use now for the Dunkley Family. It's an easy way to keep everyone posted! I have about 5 weeks left in this semester, crazy huh? I've got 16 credits, so quite a load, and have been very busy with classes this semester. I'm pretty sure that online classes are much more time consuming and harder than campus classes, so I'm struggling managing 2 online courses and the 3 on campus. My favorite course is my practicum, this is where I work in the afterschool program at the local elementary school from 1-6pm two days a week. I love those children that I work with! They do and say the funniest things. Today 2 girls kept yelling for me on the playground "Miss Erinne, Miss Erinne, push us on the swings, hurry hurry!" For some reason I absolutely love being called Miss Erinne.

The headband business is slowing down as more people are learning how to make the headbands I sell in the store. I'm still making enough money off of them to pay for groceries and Niko's goodies so it's really not doing too bad! If you want to check some of them out my other blog is I'm now experimenting with making wedding head bands and will try to get those to sell in the local wedding stores. I'll have to post some pictures of those on here!