Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's Melting!!!

Today has been an up and down day for sure! Let's start with the ups first though!

THE UP! The snow is melting, the snow is melting, the snow is melting!!! I saw so many puddles today and it made me so happy.

THE DOWN! My car got a tire lock put on it because I parked on campus where I'm not supposed to. I have gotten too many parking citations now, and I'm officially not allowed to park on campus the rest of my time at BYU Idaho. Oops.

THE UP! I did well on my test that I parked in the "bad" area for. Woohoo.

THE DOWN! Spilled chocolate milk on the couch and all over myself.

THE UP! While playing darts I got 2 double bulls eye and a 17 in one round, go me!

THE DOWN! Mmm, can't think of anything :)

THE UP! Niko officially knows what Bye Bye is, and when we say bye to someone he waves and smiles, it is the cutest thing ever!!

I guess the big up and down for the day were two posts I saw on facebook from my San Diego buds. My friend Jeff has been dating his girlfriend for 2 years now! I remember when he would come to my friends' Brittney and Le'lani's dorms and tell us how amazing this girl was and how he was SO interested in her. And now it's been 2 years! I also got a post from Le'lani who posted what she thought the funniest words were to come out of my mouth, which were "Le'lani can you teach me how to Pop, Lock and Drop it?" I love my San Diego friends so much and love how they all try to stay in touch with me! I may not hear from them too often, but they never let me feel like I'm forgotten! I am lucky to have great friends like that, but am so sad I never get to see them!! Sometime I need to visit them all, and maybe Le'lani can teach me some dance moves, and Danielle and Brittney can just laugh at me. Soon, soon!


  1. Hey Erinne! I found your blog through your facebook post. Now we can keep up on each other through our blogs! ( hope you are doing well.

    p.s. is a great way to sell handmade things! It does cost per listing ($0.20), and they do take a percentage (I think it's ~3%) but it's very minimal and, for me, so worth it!

  2. haha! to change your name...sign into blogger and go to "edit profile" (should be on the left). Under "Identity" you can change your Display Name to anything you want!

    p.s. It's a girl!
