Friday, March 19, 2010

The End and the Beginning...woohoo?

Many of you know that BYU Idaho's semester ends in April! I cannot wait because I only have 3 more weeks of class left for this semester! This semester has been so packed and busy, but has probably been one of my favorite semesters here so far. I will be taking another full load next semester, but not as packed....or we will see.

Next semester starts April 20th and I will have 13 credits. Here are my classes:

Child 300 Infant and Toddler Development
Child 440 Administrative Issues
Fam 460 Child and Family Advocacy
Rel 122 Book of Mormon
AMF 101 American Foundations

Should be interesting courses. I don't know why I'm taking so many classes though! I really just need a break from class overload. I have not had a break! Even the summer I had Niko I was taking two classes. I guess I'm just so determined to graduate the same time as my peers and know that that will be such an accomplishment!

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