Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I want EVERYONE to know who I am!

Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest. A day to go to church. A day to worship. A day of peace. Niko had different plans. Niko loves going to church because there are people, people people! People smile at him, the occasional person plays with his feet, and he likes to look at other little babies. This past sunday though he wanted EVERYONE to know who he was.

It started off during sunday school where he decided he was not going to sit still in momma's lap. I let him crawl around, after all we were sitting in the back row of class, and he just approached any human being around. He pulled himself up and started hitting the leg of a person sitting 3 seats down. He took the toys of a baby sitting next to us. He climbed under the row of chairs in front of us and popped out the other side and started playing with someone's scriptures. Oh brother!

Then, we walked down the hall to sacrament meeting. He was being good in my arms and all the sudden the door to a classroom swung open extremely fast and smacked him in the head. Poor guy was screaming his head off and everyone heard. Not everyone saw him, but everyone heard him.

He calmed down after awhile and then we were able to sit down. He was climbing all over the bench. Standing on it and jumping up and down. The only time he sat still was during the songs. He also decided to smile and wave at everyone who was sitting behind us. Then, he of course, bonked his head again and we had to exit quickly. Niko loved crawling around in the hallway. I picked him up and walked him over to a picture of Christ. He looked up at it, stared at it for awhile then finally smiled and waved. Niko must have recognized him!

After church when everyone was exiting, I had so many people come up to me and make comments like "what a cutie, but you can tell he's quite the handful!" "Oh he's feeling better after the fall!" "I'm sure he'll have a bump!" Niko just loves to be the center of attention, even at church.

Oh and for those of you who are wondering, yes he kept his bow tie on through church!

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