Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dunkley Deals??

So I made this blog originally to post my clothing up to sell on the BYU Idaho website for some extra cash, but have now sold it all or donated it to D.I. I decided I should put this blog to use now for the Dunkley Family. It's an easy way to keep everyone posted! I have about 5 weeks left in this semester, crazy huh? I've got 16 credits, so quite a load, and have been very busy with classes this semester. I'm pretty sure that online classes are much more time consuming and harder than campus classes, so I'm struggling managing 2 online courses and the 3 on campus. My favorite course is my practicum, this is where I work in the afterschool program at the local elementary school from 1-6pm two days a week. I love those children that I work with! They do and say the funniest things. Today 2 girls kept yelling for me on the playground "Miss Erinne, Miss Erinne, push us on the swings, hurry hurry!" For some reason I absolutely love being called Miss Erinne.

The headband business is slowing down as more people are learning how to make the headbands I sell in the store. I'm still making enough money off of them to pay for groceries and Niko's goodies so it's really not doing too bad! If you want to check some of them out my other blog is I'm now experimenting with making wedding head bands and will try to get those to sell in the local wedding stores. I'll have to post some pictures of those on here!

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