Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Phone chat

Yesterday I was pretending to talk on my cell phone to Niko here was our conversation-

Mom: Hello Niko, hello Niko. I'm talking to you on the phone! Can you say hello Mama?

Niko: Lo-Nana!

I think he's finally realizing my name is not Dada it's Mama (or the way he says it, Nana). May not seem like much, but still exciting that it sounded like he was trying to say hello mama!

Happy Belated Birthday Nick!

So our internet is too slow at my apartment so I could not load this video made for Nick, or publish this post for him! Nick turned 24 on April 24th. We tried to make this little video for Nick, it's not much but still dedicated to him! Please note that Niko did wave bye at the end at least. :) Nick is a great older brother and has grown to be very successful. He has been able to accomplish anything he sets his mind too. He graduated from UC Berkeley last December, and now works in San Francisco. He has his own office even! Nick loves to cook and eat food, he loves apple products/cool technology, love the SF Giants and loves church and the gospel. I have tons of memories with my brother and we had great times. I love my brother. One of my first memories with my brother is when he was peeling potatoes and accidentally sliced a little bit of skin off of his finger and it started bleeding. I immediately ran upstairs and grabbed the first aid kit and got him a band aid. I always wanted to take care of my brother! Happy Birthday Nick!



Saturday, April 24, 2010

Little project, big change!

I bought a set of 3 wood chairs at a garage sale when I was still in high school because I absolutely loved the chairs for some reason. They were cute white weathered, and have done us some good! However, I needed a little change. I looked into buying some black chairs and even at Ikea and Wal Mart they were selling for about $40 each, and those were the cheaper ones! So look what a little paint and seat cushions can do! They don't look perfect, but they were the little change I needed, and of course SO much cheaper than buying new chairs! Blogger is not letting me post pictures right now so I will post before and after pictures another time.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Last Day being a temporary full time stay at home mom (for now...)

Well, today was my last day as a temporary stay at home mom. I love love that little booger boy, and am so glad my schedule this summer will let me be at home with him alot! I have loved spending this week here at home with him. Now onto the next part of the summer....SCHOOL. But don't worry, there will be other fun exciting things happening this summer too. Beautiful weather (compliments of Rexburg), 2 weddings, first time being a bridesmaid, Niko's birthday, girls trip with San Diego friends, two year anniversary, and a time to relax with family! Can't wait!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 7 in the life of a temporary stay at home mom

In the evening today, Johnny and I were planning our schedules for the Fall. I started tearing up because I realized how much I was going to miss being home with our baby. I have loved this week. I'll admit the first day or two off of school I was getting stressed being at home all the time because I was so used to being busy busy busy with school that I didn't know what to do at home without homework or school. Kind of weird, I know. However, I was able to adjust after a few days and now I don't want to go back to school at all! I love spending time with Niko, and I didn't realize how much I was missing out caring for him and I didn't realize how much I love taking care of him! Now this summer I'll only have class Tues/Thurs so that's nice, but after this summer it'll be crunch time until I graduate. It's so nice to take care of him and not have other stressors to deal with like projects, homework, class, then all the house chores that follow! I am definitely going to make a huge effort to not let the stress of college interfere with home. I can't believe how lucky I am to have such an adorable boy! He is truly a perfect little guy with so much personality!

Day Six in the Life of a temporary stay at home mom

Today Niko and I kept ourselves busy. Niko played with toys and I cleaned them up! Niko ate lots of food and I cleaned dishes! The activities we do throughout the day definitely correlate together!

Johnny's dad also came over and spent the day with us, which was very nice.

My favorite part of the day today was when it was almost little guy's bed time and Niko was exhausted from all the day's activities. He played hard and spent time with family. Now many of you know that Niko is not the cuddly type. We always joke that he has ADHD because he doesn't really like to sit in someone's lap or be snuggled close. But he was so exhausted at the end of the day that he actually let me hold him. I sat on the couch and cuddled him for the longest time he has let me do in awhile. It was great. That little guy is the best.

Niko's first bike ride!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 5 in the life of a temporary stay at home mom

So there are many things I have learned by staying home all day. One of those things is that Niko can make quite the mess in less than 30 minutes! It started with pulling out the diapers, and instead of cleaning them up right away, I decided to sit on the couch and admire the work that occured so quickly. He was quite the busy boy!

Today Niko also went on his first bike ride! He was on the back of the cruiser and Johnny skateboarded. We were a little worried at first if he'd even like it, especially having to wear a big helmet. He had fun though, and was definitely a great riding partner, making comments here and there :) Can't wait to go again!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 4 in the life of a temporary stay at home mom

It's awful when you go to write a post about the day before and you can hardly remember what you did!

We went on 2 long walks because the weather was absolutely beautiful! Rexburg may not offer much entertainment, but walking the neighborhoods and main street is very nice. Everything is really close by to where we live so we have a lot of different things to see on our walks. I also love to look at the little houses. I have picked two older houses in Rexburg that I have claimed as my favorites. I'm so glad the weather has gotten better and that we can actually go outside without a jacket on!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Life of a temporary stay at home Day 3

Today Niko and I took a trip out to Mega Wal Mart of Idaho Falls. It's nice to have his company while shopping for his birthday gifts! And it's nice that he doesn't care what we get him either! Speaking of birthday gifts, his bike seat was delivered today! Thanks Mom!

My mom got Niko a bike seat for the back of my beach cruiser for his birhday and I cannot wait to let Niko try it out!

As most of you know, I absolutely LOVE my beach cruiser bike. It's light blue with brown leather handles and a brown leather seat. It has a white basket in the front with a hawaiian print lining. What's even better is that it was very inexpensive for a cruiser because I had to assemble it, which was very fun anyways. I used to always ride it in San Diego and always found myself riding away in my own peaceful world. I'd even ride it up and down the dorm halls at SDSU. It's love, true love. :) So of course I cannot wait for Niko share the joy of the beach cruiser with me! I let Niko try out the seat before we go for a ride, and we loved the little handles in the front for him.

Life of a stay at home Day 2

Have you ever noticed that when vacation time rolls around you get sick? Perfect timing right? Wrong. However, it's not me that is sick, it's the little boy that has the sniffles and a cough. Poor guy could not sleep, therefore no one was allowed to sleep. And that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The life of a stay-at-home mom Day One

So today was my first "official" day of break. I was done with finals last Thursday, but today was the fisrt official day of my week off. This means that I am a stay-at-home mom for a week. Woohoo!
Life of a stay-at-home mom Day #1

Today I woke up and played with Niko. He decided it would be best to eat my make up brush so I decided to skip out on the bronzer today.

Later today I got to admire my little boy pulling out all the diapers out of his diaper basket under the tv. It's nice when he decorates our floor with 10 or so diapers. However, it was also fun to admire him sitting up by himself, which he has always had a difficult time with (still considering taking him into therapy to help him learn to sit up by himself better). I decided to go on a walk with him in his stroller, but when I went down to grab him I found he was missing his pants. I knew for a fact that I did not take those pants off of him and come to find out he must have taken them off and hidden them in the corner near the couch.

Strolling with a baby is wonderful. So peaceful, so calm. Probably the most relaxing thing to do with a crazy boy like Niko.

Later in the day I saw a huge fire from the window of our apartment probably about 10 yards away from our window. Made my first 911 call. Turns out our neighbors notified the fire department that they were going to be burning trash in their backyard?! Ok, whatever.

Bath time was great with little guy. I always love to see him splash and enjoy himself. He's so silly.

After bath I decided to let him crawl around naked while I made him his bottle for bed. Oops. Later discovered a little area on the carpet with about 8 tiny poops. Kind of like rabbit pellets, but little bigger. Oh, and we don't own a rabbit so let's guess where they came from?

I put Niko down in his crib, turned on the turtle that projects green stars onto the ceiling and tucked my little guy in bed. I could not help but smile to myself...as I picked up the poo, put the diapers away, cleaned the living room and mopped with my swiffer jet.

Who knew all the excitement I was missing out on!

Headband Models!

Hey everyone!

I need headband models (preferrably females) for my blog! My headband blog needs updating to show the styles I make now! Let me know if you'd be willing to let me take photos of you and you can have one of the headbands for free! Also, I need one bridal shot for my wedding headband so if you own a wedding dress and could get dressed up for me to model this headband that would be great too. Thanks!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I like to move it move it

I was on facebook a few minutes ago, and saw a post my step sister Kristen put up of how many times she has moved in her life. She's headed towards her 21st move, and I could not believe it! Then I got to thinking and decided I have moved quite a few times as well! I decided I'd try a list out too! Once I made the list I realized my moves can't even compare, she doubled my list! Wow
1. Older Apartment (don't know the name)
2. Seiwa Homes
3. Komaba

Folsom California
4. Silberhorn

San Diego California
5. Dorms
6. La Mesa Apartments

7. Peterson Pointe
8. Main Street Station
9. 18 E. 1st N
10. Village Community Gardens