Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 7 in the life of a temporary stay at home mom

In the evening today, Johnny and I were planning our schedules for the Fall. I started tearing up because I realized how much I was going to miss being home with our baby. I have loved this week. I'll admit the first day or two off of school I was getting stressed being at home all the time because I was so used to being busy busy busy with school that I didn't know what to do at home without homework or school. Kind of weird, I know. However, I was able to adjust after a few days and now I don't want to go back to school at all! I love spending time with Niko, and I didn't realize how much I was missing out caring for him and I didn't realize how much I love taking care of him! Now this summer I'll only have class Tues/Thurs so that's nice, but after this summer it'll be crunch time until I graduate. It's so nice to take care of him and not have other stressors to deal with like projects, homework, class, then all the house chores that follow! I am definitely going to make a huge effort to not let the stress of college interfere with home. I can't believe how lucky I am to have such an adorable boy! He is truly a perfect little guy with so much personality!

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