Monday, April 12, 2010

The life of a stay-at-home mom Day One

So today was my first "official" day of break. I was done with finals last Thursday, but today was the fisrt official day of my week off. This means that I am a stay-at-home mom for a week. Woohoo!
Life of a stay-at-home mom Day #1

Today I woke up and played with Niko. He decided it would be best to eat my make up brush so I decided to skip out on the bronzer today.

Later today I got to admire my little boy pulling out all the diapers out of his diaper basket under the tv. It's nice when he decorates our floor with 10 or so diapers. However, it was also fun to admire him sitting up by himself, which he has always had a difficult time with (still considering taking him into therapy to help him learn to sit up by himself better). I decided to go on a walk with him in his stroller, but when I went down to grab him I found he was missing his pants. I knew for a fact that I did not take those pants off of him and come to find out he must have taken them off and hidden them in the corner near the couch.

Strolling with a baby is wonderful. So peaceful, so calm. Probably the most relaxing thing to do with a crazy boy like Niko.

Later in the day I saw a huge fire from the window of our apartment probably about 10 yards away from our window. Made my first 911 call. Turns out our neighbors notified the fire department that they were going to be burning trash in their backyard?! Ok, whatever.

Bath time was great with little guy. I always love to see him splash and enjoy himself. He's so silly.

After bath I decided to let him crawl around naked while I made him his bottle for bed. Oops. Later discovered a little area on the carpet with about 8 tiny poops. Kind of like rabbit pellets, but little bigger. Oh, and we don't own a rabbit so let's guess where they came from?

I put Niko down in his crib, turned on the turtle that projects green stars onto the ceiling and tucked my little guy in bed. I could not help but smile to I picked up the poo, put the diapers away, cleaned the living room and mopped with my swiffer jet.

Who knew all the excitement I was missing out on!

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