Saturday, April 3, 2010

I like to move it move it

I was on facebook a few minutes ago, and saw a post my step sister Kristen put up of how many times she has moved in her life. She's headed towards her 21st move, and I could not believe it! Then I got to thinking and decided I have moved quite a few times as well! I decided I'd try a list out too! Once I made the list I realized my moves can't even compare, she doubled my list! Wow
1. Older Apartment (don't know the name)
2. Seiwa Homes
3. Komaba

Folsom California
4. Silberhorn

San Diego California
5. Dorms
6. La Mesa Apartments

7. Peterson Pointe
8. Main Street Station
9. 18 E. 1st N
10. Village Community Gardens

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