Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day Six in the Life of a temporary stay at home mom

Today Niko and I kept ourselves busy. Niko played with toys and I cleaned them up! Niko ate lots of food and I cleaned dishes! The activities we do throughout the day definitely correlate together!

Johnny's dad also came over and spent the day with us, which was very nice.

My favorite part of the day today was when it was almost little guy's bed time and Niko was exhausted from all the day's activities. He played hard and spent time with family. Now many of you know that Niko is not the cuddly type. We always joke that he has ADHD because he doesn't really like to sit in someone's lap or be snuggled close. But he was so exhausted at the end of the day that he actually let me hold him. I sat on the couch and cuddled him for the longest time he has let me do in awhile. It was great. That little guy is the best.

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