Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday Nick!

So our internet is too slow at my apartment so I could not load this video made for Nick, or publish this post for him! Nick turned 24 on April 24th. We tried to make this little video for Nick, it's not much but still dedicated to him! Please note that Niko did wave bye at the end at least. :) Nick is a great older brother and has grown to be very successful. He has been able to accomplish anything he sets his mind too. He graduated from UC Berkeley last December, and now works in San Francisco. He has his own office even! Nick loves to cook and eat food, he loves apple products/cool technology, love the SF Giants and loves church and the gospel. I have tons of memories with my brother and we had great times. I love my brother. One of my first memories with my brother is when he was peeling potatoes and accidentally sliced a little bit of skin off of his finger and it started bleeding. I immediately ran upstairs and grabbed the first aid kit and got him a band aid. I always wanted to take care of my brother! Happy Birthday Nick!

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