Friday, November 12, 2010

First Snow!

Snow is finally here. With an absolutely beautiful fall this year, it almost felt like the snow was never going to come! However, it turned into winter overnight, and honestly it is not too bad so far. I walked Freddy Sanchez one morning before Niko got up and before Johnny left for school (woohoo I was out at 7am!) and it was the most peaceful experience ever. It had snowed overnight so there was a layer of fresh snow. Only a few cars were on the roads so it was nice and quiet. The trees looked so beautiful frosted over and it started snowing right when I left the apartment building. I was bundled up nice and warm so I was able to really enjoy the snow.

Niko was too young to really notice the snow last winter but he sure notices it now. He always looks confused when he sees snow falling and doesn't really like touching it (don't blame him). Sledding will be fun when there is a much better layer of snow on the ground. Now is the season to curl up with some hot chocolate and slip under a warm blanket and stay inside!

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