Friday, November 12, 2010

Freddy Sanchez

Many of you know we had little Gizmo an adorable yorkie terrier, but our apartment managers told us we couldn't have pets. So we had to give Gizmo away during the summer :(. However, our managers later told us that they misunderstood the pet policy and we actually COULD have pets, as long as we put a pet deposit down. So, after some consideration and craigslist searching we found ourselves a little mini schnauzer mix in need of a home. He is still a puppy but an older puppy. His name is Freddy Sanchez after the baseball player. Niko is getting used to the hyper dog and we are getting used to having what feels like a second kid in the home. Between him and Niko we are constantly having to keep an eye on one of the two. We do love that Freddy does not bark in our apartment and house training was a cinch! Welcome Freddy Sanchez to our family!

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