Sunday, November 28, 2010

Our Little Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

This is our Christmas tree. It stands about a foot high, is a cute green color and has 2 "real" ornaments on it besides the little decorative balls on it. I love this tree! It has been around since my freshman year of college. When it was up in my dorm room at San Diego State it had cute pink little balls on it and shell ornaments. The pink balls represented Ryann, my roommate who had recently left, and who I missed very much. The shells represented my love for the ocean and those are now gone because I gave one to each of my good friends in San Diego that Christmas. That little tree has done a lot of traveling and is now in Rexburg with my little family. It has 2 ornaments on it. One is our "first christmas" ornament. Every tree has to have one of those on it! The second is an ornament my little 6 year old cousin Isabel made for me last Christmas. I absolutely love the fact she made us the ornament and had to put it on the tree, even though it is about half the size of our tree! I have many more memories with this tree that I'm not going to bore everyone with, but I love what it represents and can't wait to see what other memories are going to tag a long with this tree!

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