Friday, November 12, 2010

Progressing, progressing, progressing....FINALLY!

Well Johnny and I are finally seeing an end to school. I was supposed to be done next semester however I have classes that have overlapping times so I will have to go another extra semester. So we both have two semesters left and are so thrilled! I'll be done the end of July and Johnny the end of December 2011. I cannot wait to have an easier semester. With 18 credits this semester it has been work overload for me. I never have enough hours in the day, to do everything needed-whether it be housework, niko time, homework, tests, oh and did I mention HOMEWORK?!?! Next semester I'll have 12 credits of easier courses and 2 of them are electives that I picked. This will be my first semester actually taking a class that I don't have to take. I've never taken an elective. Both Johnny and I have really nice schedules for next semester and made them work so that we won't need any babysitters.

So, with free time next semester I plan to:

practice piano
knit Niko a scarf
walk the dog in the snow everyday
try and form a mommy n' me group
do the water aerobics class on campus
try a Zumba class
always keep the apartment clean

Let's see if these things actually happen! And yay for progressing to the end for school!
experiment with more cooking

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