Monday, February 21, 2011


So I was so excited today because I had a date planned. My very first date! Our very first official mommy & niko date. I hadn't been to Twizl Berry yet (self serve frozen yogurt)and decided it'd be so fun to go, just Niko and I on a planned trip to get some for both of us. Fun right? I mean what child doesn't like sweets? I made my bowl with cake batter frozen yogurt and chocolate. Niko's had chocolate, cookies n cream and colorful sprinkles. We went to sit down and Niko did not sit at that table longer than 5 seconds. Nope. He in fact didn't want the yogurt at all. He kept scrunching his nose and saying "no, no, no." He discovered the self serve water that was at his perfect height and he thought it was cool. The lady gave him a cup to fill, and he filled that cup..........and let it overflow. I kept pulling him back to the table, but no luck. He just kept getting up and playing with the water. Then the melt down came. He threw himself on the floor and screamed. Of course everyone HAD to watch, probably because the walls amplified the cries. We made a nice quick exit and instead Niko and I had a cool down drive where I ate my frozen yogurt and he got his composure and enjoyed a nice drive around town. I had been so excited about this date and even brought my camera to get pictures of us, but I'm afraid I'll have to wait for an "official" first mommy and niko date.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Oh look what I've done!

Today I was thinking of all the fun things I've done in my life and decided to make a top ten list. Not everything on my list is super cool but in my eyes these are the "coolest" things I've been a part of or done!

Top Ten Cool Things

1. I've kissed a dolphin. (Big Island)

2. I have gone to college. (Almost done!)

3. I have held and fed a baby lion. (In Tokyo, Japan)

4. I've lived in 4 very different places: Tokyo, Folsom, San Diego & Idaho (I've covered all my bases-foreign, big city, rural, beach and country)

5. I have had a baby. (a darn cute one too)

6. Been a huge baseball fan. Played shortstop and 2nd base (in 4th & 5th grade) and have loved the SF Giants since age 5. (Favorite player then- Barry Bonds Favorite player now- Pat Burrell)

7. Swam with sting rays. (Cayman Islands)

8. Assembled crystal chandeliers that hang in the Sacramento Temple (so beautiful, time consuming and amazing)

9. Done all sorts of things with my hair (long, short, blonde highlights, red, pure black, perm)

10. 4-wheeled in Kauai.

There are probably other cool things I've done I just can't think of it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Women are wired different than Men

A few days ago I was working on homework, cooking something in the oven and talking to people on facebook. Johnny was sitting next to me on the couch looking up videos on youtube. Out of the blue I asked "So we should plan a weekend retreat right now just the two of us. I was thinking it'd be fun to go to Jackson." Johnny responded that he'd think about it later and couldn't think of anything at the moment. I kept naming a few different things that we could do, and Johnny interrupted me and asked "Aren't you doing homework right now?" Haha, little does he know that I never JUST do homework.

Men (or atleast Johnny) can only focus on one thing at a time. Women (or atleast me)focus on many many things at one time. I am never doing just one thing, I can't handle it, and that's probably why I have a hard sitting on the couch to just watch tv.

P.S. While I am writing this post I am looking up financial aid opportunities, looking at other blogs, baking cupcakes, frosting cupcakes and thinking of the clothes I need to get rid of in my closet.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Niko's Blog!

So I kind of got this great idea from an old friend's blog I read. She has a blog for their family and a blog for her little girl. I should've done this a long time ago! Since I never get the time to write in a "real journal" I think it would be great to keep a blog recording all the fun things Niko does. While I do that with this blog, there are some things that I usually don't include, especially since Niko does all sorts of new things all the time. I'll still write about him, OBVIOUSLY, on this blog but atleast I can keep track of all the little things he does on that one. If you want to check up on the stinker his blog :) is I figured I wouldn't make it specific to Niko because when I have more kids I can keep track of them on there as well! Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Coel!

As tradition, I give little birthday shout outs to my family, and my little brother Coel just had a birthday and he is now 2! It is sad to say I have only met my little brother once, and that was when he was 11 months old. This is understandable though when he lives in Japan, and I'm in school and in Idaho. However, I get to hear all about him when I talk to my dad or Shan on the phone. From what I've heard he is entering the terrible two stage now! He loves helicopters and cars. He also is a good eater! Coel is working on the talking thing, which I'm sure is very confusing for him being surrounded by lots of English, Japanese and Chinese! Poor Guy! I can't wait to see the little cutie again, hopefully sometime soon. Happy 2nd Birthday Coel!

Dollar Tree Finds!

So I used to think Dollar Tree's only purpose and existence was to supply me with cute Christmas decor and inexpensive wrapping paper, and to provide my husband with cheap sleeping pills that he sometimes needs when he has a hard time sleeping. However, I found it is much much more than that. I got these cute little plates there this past week and am very excited!

These little plastic plates were a super dollar deal! I got 2 lobster plates, 2 fish plates, 2 hibiscus plates, and a pear plate all for $1. They were on clearance apparently? Anyways, the hibiscus ones are so cute and the perfect size for putting cut up veggies on or fruit!

These plates are so bright and happy! I love serving dinner on them. I got 4 of them, each for $1. They are so heavy duty and each one is a little different & unique. It' so fun to see what you can come home with for only $5!

Last Time!

Ok I have changed the background to my blog a million times trying to find one I like. And yes, there are so many cute ones I felt like simple was best. So now I am done changing it all up...I think.