Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Coel!

As tradition, I give little birthday shout outs to my family, and my little brother Coel just had a birthday and he is now 2! It is sad to say I have only met my little brother once, and that was when he was 11 months old. This is understandable though when he lives in Japan, and I'm in school and in Idaho. However, I get to hear all about him when I talk to my dad or Shan on the phone. From what I've heard he is entering the terrible two stage now! He loves helicopters and cars. He also is a good eater! Coel is working on the talking thing, which I'm sure is very confusing for him being surrounded by lots of English, Japanese and Chinese! Poor Guy! I can't wait to see the little cutie again, hopefully sometime soon. Happy 2nd Birthday Coel!

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