Thursday, February 10, 2011

Women are wired different than Men

A few days ago I was working on homework, cooking something in the oven and talking to people on facebook. Johnny was sitting next to me on the couch looking up videos on youtube. Out of the blue I asked "So we should plan a weekend retreat right now just the two of us. I was thinking it'd be fun to go to Jackson." Johnny responded that he'd think about it later and couldn't think of anything at the moment. I kept naming a few different things that we could do, and Johnny interrupted me and asked "Aren't you doing homework right now?" Haha, little does he know that I never JUST do homework.

Men (or atleast Johnny) can only focus on one thing at a time. Women (or atleast me)focus on many many things at one time. I am never doing just one thing, I can't handle it, and that's probably why I have a hard sitting on the couch to just watch tv.

P.S. While I am writing this post I am looking up financial aid opportunities, looking at other blogs, baking cupcakes, frosting cupcakes and thinking of the clothes I need to get rid of in my closet.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha Oh how true this is! Sometimes I'll be feeding Scarlett, making dinner, setting the table, etc etc. Then, when I ask Michael a question he responds like 2 minutes later! I always ask him why there is such a big delay (sometimes I have already forgotten what question I even asked the in first place) and he looks at me like I am crazy and says, "what delay?" lol It's and women's brains work totally different!
