Sunday, February 6, 2011

Niko's Blog!

So I kind of got this great idea from an old friend's blog I read. She has a blog for their family and a blog for her little girl. I should've done this a long time ago! Since I never get the time to write in a "real journal" I think it would be great to keep a blog recording all the fun things Niko does. While I do that with this blog, there are some things that I usually don't include, especially since Niko does all sorts of new things all the time. I'll still write about him, OBVIOUSLY, on this blog but atleast I can keep track of all the little things he does on that one. If you want to check up on the stinker his blog :) is I figured I wouldn't make it specific to Niko because when I have more kids I can keep track of them on there as well! Enjoy!

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